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The phaen belonged, body and soul, to the outside, visible world to Faceny. This underworld is not Faceny's world, but Thire's, and Faceny's creatures cannot breathe its atmosphere. As this applies not only to whole bodies, but even to the last particles of bodies, the phaen has dissolved into Nothingness." "But don't you and I belong to the outside world too?" "We belong to all three worlds."

"Something of the sort was told me by Earthrid, the musician, who came from Threal." "I don't know him. What else did he tell you?" "He went on to apply it to music. Continue, and pardon the interruption." "These three states of perception are the three worlds. Existence is Faceny's world, relation is Amfuse's world, feeling is Thire's world."

It increased in intensity and gradually occupied the whole scene. Things were no longer seen by Thire's light, but by this new light. It cast no shadows. Corpang's nostrils swelled, and he held himself more proudly. "What fire is that?" "It is Muspel-light." They both glanced instinctively at the three statues. In the strange glow they had undergone a change.

"What three worlds what do you mean?" "There are three worlds," said Corpang composedly. "The first is Faceny's, the second is Amfuse's, the third is Thire's. From him Threal gets it name." "But this is mere nomenclature. In what sense are there three worlds?" Corpang passed his hand over his forehead. "All this we can discuss as we go along. It's a torment to me to be standing still."