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She bent her fine brows with the attention she had so often summoned to face a difficult final examination, to read at the correct tempo a complicated piece of music, to grasp the essentials of a new subject. Her trained interest in understanding things, which of late had been feeding on rather moldy scraps of cynical psychology, seized with energy and delight on a change of diet.

The flowers are like our wild blossoms growing under great trees or amid rocks, never the camellia or tuberose of the garden or hot-house, something rude and bracing is always present, always a breath of the untamed and aboriginal. Whitman's work gives results, and never processes. There is no return of the mind upon itself; it descends constantly upon things, persons, realities.

When I play folks tricks, there'll be more fun in 'em nor that." "Well, but it's nothing but right you should have a small percentage," said Mr. Glegg. "I've no opinion o' transactions where folks do things for nothing. It allays looks bad."

But it is only the same quality that can be measured by degrees and ranged in ascending and descending series, and the things that are essentially feminine are different qualitatively from and incommensurable with the distinctly masculine things.

They have felt that in Jesus Christ man, as the mirror and the Son of GOD, reflects the Father's glory. They have felt that in Jesus Christ GOD, the Eternal Source of all things, has expressed and revealed Himself in a human life: that GOD has spoken a Word, a Word which is the expression of Himself: and that the Word is Christ.

The structure of our minds renders us capable of knowing everything which is relative, though there are many such things which we have no evidence, nor shall ever get evidence, to enable us to know. We agree with Mr Mill in the opinion that it is thinkable, conceivable, knowable.

Contrasted with its beginnings, in the shameful atrocities of the Dark Ages and the prehistoric phases of this German occupation, the later stages of this system of coercive law and order in the Fatherland will appear humane, not to say genial; but as compared with the degree of mitigation which the like order of things presently underwent elsewhere in western Europe, it has throughout the historical period preserved a remarkable degree of that character of arrogance and servility which it owes to its barbarian and predatory beginnings.

Lathrop. "Well, I guess maybe he heard things yesterday as made him feel as it'd be just as well to let folks have time to sizzle down some afore they looked on his bright an' shinin' face again. I tell you what, Mrs.

The mind appears to grow as the sphere of material life extends. Vast horizons are adapted to great souls, and prepare them for great things.

Hardness of heart will not let love so affectionately and sympathisingly act as it should. Sense and reason being polluted will not let hope be so steadfastly fixed upon unseen things as it should. Pride will not let us be so humble as we ought, nor self so self denying. Passion often interrupts our patience, and angry motions our meekness.