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They've raced back an' forrard, an' dodged up an' down fur a year now, but they're at the eend uv ther rope, an' hit'll be a deth-nooze fur 'em. May the pit o' hell open fur 'em." He watched Rachel's face closely as he spoke.

But he was desperate; also, he had been too long accustomed to grabbing things to which his conscience told him he had doubtful right or none. "It's mine. I've been cheated out of it. I'll get it. Besides " His mind suddenly cleared of the shadow of shame "I owe it to mother and Del to make the fight. They've been cheated, too.

"I leave you in good hands, but you must let me come to see you again some day," he said, and then with a playful smile he added: "They've got lots of angels up in heaven we must try to keep some of them on earth, you know." That was on the fifth of July, old Midsummer Day, which is our national day in Ellan, and flags were flying over many of the houses in the village.

He thinks he's got one foot on each side of this range, herdin' everybody between his legs." "He'll get over it in a little while." "He's not got brains enough to hold him down when the high winds begin to blow. If he's a fair sample of what they've got in Omaha, I'll cross it off my map when I begin to travel." "Dad says he's got the lonesomeness." "More of the cussedness."

But I'm very fond of these walks in full summer time too. Sometimes I take my flute out, and sit under the shade here and compose some of my little pieces. 'I can easily understand that they were composed here, said Edie quickly. 'They've caught exactly the flavour of the place especially your exquisite little Penseroso. 'Ah, you know my music, then, Miss Oswald?

"I say," he asked after a time, "since we've come to enjoy ourselves why not do the thing thoroughly? What do you say to the theatre after this?" "The theatre! Well, you are gettin' on! That would be 'eavenly. They've got the 'Charity Girl' on this week Gertie Lennox dancing. But don't you disapprove of that sort of thing?" "So I I mean I don't make a practice of it. But perhaps once in a way "

"They've declared their love," he thought, and then he said simply, his voice vibrant with the emotion he did not otherwise show, "It's been beastly lonesome to-day, Claire." She laughed gaily, while her eyes clouded. Then she noticed the untouched food on the table. "Why, Lawrence, didn't you like the lunch I fixed for you?"

"Haven't they anything left?" "Oh yes. It isn't all gone, by any means." Then he added, as if to make a clean breast of the affair and be done with it: "The personal property what you may call the cash is mostly gone! Those that have owned real estate like the Rodmans and Fanny Burnaby well, they've got that still." "I see." She continued to sit looking meditatively down at the rug.

"If if these ladies and gentlemen have been coming to my lectures out of charity, I see nothing to be ashamed of in that " she faltered. "If they've been coming out of charity to me," he retorted, "don't you see you've been making me a party to a fraud? Isn't there any shame in that?" His forehead reddened. "Mother!

The men had to be called out and given orders about every single thing that had to be done; they went about it sullenly, and then at once withdrew to their rooms. But when there they were all the gayer, and sang and enjoyed themselves. "They're doing themselves proud in there," said Lasse, with a sigh to Pelle. "They've got a whole keg of spirits that Mons had hidden in his herring.