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'Give me ye'er hand. 'I can't, says another. 'I haven't wan left. 'Where's me leg? 'Sarch me. 'I've lost me voice. 'Me mind is shot away. 'Reach me some wather. 'Pass th' can. 'A horse is settin' on me chest. 'What's that? They'se a batthry iv artillery on me. 'I've broke something.

Waither, take th' sherry wine off th' ice. They'se no hope f'r sound financial legislation this year. I'm goin' home.

Dooley, "while th' sthrateejans have been wearin' out their jeans on cracker-boxes in Wash'n'ton, they'se been goin' on th' mos' deadly conflict iver heerd tell iv between th' pow'rful preachin' navies iv th' two counthries. Manila is nawthin' at all to th' scenes iv carnage an' slaughter, as Hogan says, that's been brought about be these desthroyers.

'A man, he says, 'that has th' ticker eye, he says, 'or th' coupon thumb, he says, 'is cured in no time, he says. 'Come, he says, 'fly with me, he says. 'They'se nawthin' to keep ye here, he says. 'Ivry wan iv th' cab'net, includin' th' Sicrety iv War, 'll stick to his place, he says, 'like a man, he says. "An' Mack wint with him.

Yes, they'se yonder." As Galleygo pointed to the door of the room he meant, Bluewater proceeded towards it, parting with the steward after a few more words of customary, but very useless caution. The tap of the admiral was answered by Wycherly in person, who opened the door, and made way for his superior to enter, with a respectful obeisance.

Like as not a year fr'm now he'll be in jail, like Napoleon, th' impror iv th' Fr-rinch, was in his day, an' Mike, th' Burglar, an' other pathrites. That's what comes iv bein' a pathrite too long. 'Tis a good job, whin they'se nawthin' else to do; but 'tis not th' thing to wurruk overtime at.

"Yes, they'se no judgment in ships, in general. Well, them French twelves are spiteful guns; and a little afore they fired, it seemed to me I heard something give Jack a rap on the check, that sounded as if a fellow's ear was boxed with a clap of thunder. I looked up, and there was Jack streaming out like the fly of the ensign, head foremost, with the body towing after it by strings in the neck."

"Some wan must 've spoke to him; f'r, whin he come in th' next time, he says, 'They'se no use talkin', he says, 'that there Dutchman is sthrong, he says. 'I thought he was a Boolgahrian, says I. 'No, says he, 'he's a German man, says he. 'An' th' Germans is with him to th' bitther end, he says.

'Dear Uncle Martin: We are all well here, except thim that is not, an' hope ye're injyin' th' same gr-reat blessin'. It's hotter down here thin Billy-be-dam'd. They'se a rollin'-mill near here jus' th' same as at home, but all th' hands is laid off on account iv bad times. They used ol'-fashioned wooden wheelbahrs an' fired with wood.

'A man, says he, 'can live f'r months on a little booze taken fr'm time to time, he says 'They'se a gr-reat dale iv nourishment in it, he says. An' I believe him, f'r manny's th' man I know that don't think iv eatin' whin he can get a dhrink. I wondher if the time will iver come whin ye'll see a man sneakin' out iv th' fam'ly enthrance iv a lunch-room hurridly bitin' a clove!