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This is the first state of hypnosis and is generally referred to as the "light" state. Therapeutic suggestions can work admirably in this state. The next stage of hypnosis is known as the cataleptic state and is referred to as the "medium" state. As you deepen the hypnotic state, you can accomplish the progressive tests that I shall outline for you.

Before, during and after a therapeutic fast, everything must be done to keep elimination active, in order to prevent the reabsorption of the toxins that are being stirred up and liberated. Fasting involves rapid breaking down of the tissues. This creates great quantities of worn-out cell materials and other morbid substances.

"The first and great requisite for the restoration of injured parts is rest," said John Hunter; and physiological and mechanical rest as the chief of natural therapeutic agents was the theme of John Hilton's classical work Rest and Pain.

This is an important contribution to our knowledge of the psychic state of epileptics but it is notable that not a word is said as to therapy. Sadger published the same year, "Ein Fall von Pseudoepilepsia hysterica psychoanalytisch erklart." Dr. Wilhelm Stekel, however, treats the problem from the therapeutic point of view in, "Die psychische Behandlung der Epilepsie."

Our people, especially in academic circles, are turning towards psychology nowadays with great expectations; and, if psychology is to justify them, it must be by showing fruits in the pedagogic and therapeutic lines. The reader may possibly have heard of a peculiar theory of the emotions, commonly referred to in psychological literature as the Lange-James theory.

A critically ill person is someone who could expire at any moment; therapeutic interventions are racing against death. Can the body repair itself enough before some essential function ceases altogether? If there already exists too much damage to vital organs the person will die.

"Let's have the full story," he said, taking a notebook and pencil from a shapeless pocket. He listened to the tale in ominous silence. Finally he closed his notebook, thrust it back into his pocket and said, "The therapeutic machines are a sacred trust.

This etiology of cardiac affections of children indicates the directions in which therapeutic efforts should be aimed.

Official Army Register, for 1862. From the Copy issued by the Adjutant-General U.S. Army. New York. D. Van Nostrand. 8vo. paper, pp. 108. 50 cts. Water: Its History, Characteristics, Hygienic and Therapeutic Uses. By Samuel W. Francis, A.M., M.D., Physician to the Northern Dispensary, New York. New York. S.S. & W. Wood. 8vo. paper, pp. 47. 25 cts.

Mental acuity of this grade combined with amnesia looks more like an hysterical than a manic-depressive process. Leroy describes a case much like ours which is interesting from a therapeutic standpoint. The patient was a woman who passed from a severe depression with hallucinations and anxiety into a long stupor, from which she recovered completely.