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During the first year we had a tremendous stimulus in the meetings from the active participation of four of the most prominent theosophists in the country two of whom are members of the vestry. They sharpened the line between spiritual and material things. They brought to the notice of working-class Socialists the essential things of the soul.

Alfred W.R. Athelstone, was a Church of England clergyman, whose interest in Egyptology had led him to accept the presidency of the American branch of the Royal Society, she was a leader among the Theosophists. And now that the old head of the cult was dead, it was rumored that Mrs. Athelstone had announced the reincarnation of Madame Blavatsky in her own person.

The Indian Christian Church, hardly yet acclimatised so far as it is the creation of modern efforts, would she survive? The English sweet-pea, sown in India, produced its flowers, but not at first any vigorous self-propagating seed. The reactionary Theosophists after the provocative action had ceased what of them?

Exactly like the earlier theosophists also, Ammonius, the Neo-Platonist, held that the purified soul could perform physical wonders, by the power of Theurgy. In its constitution the Theosophical Society professed "to investigate the hidden mysteries of nature and the psychical powers latent in man."

On the origin and superstitious influence of rings. Celestial influences omens climacterics predominations. Lucky and unlucky days. Empirics, etc. Absurdities of Paracelsus, and Van Helmont. Modern empiricism. The Rosicrucians or Theosophists.

He told her thatthe good Eberhard”—it was his way of referring to Baron von Auffenberghad gone to Munich for a few months, and was taking up with spiritists and theosophists.

"I knew you would!" she cried. She went on with an impulsive rapidity. O'thodoxy had always 'ipelled her, always. She had felt herself confronted by the most insurmountable difficulties, and yet whenever she had gone away from Christianity she had gone away from Christianity, to the Theosophists and the Christian Scientists she had felt she was only "st'aying fu'tha."

This germ or subtle body is not the same as the astral body of the Theosophists, or the double of the metaphysical thinkers or the disembodied spirit of the Spiritualists; but it is an ethereal center of activity-physical, mental and organic. It is a center which possesses the tendency to manifest these powers on different planes of existence.

They were not only dreamy theosophists, but materialists under the disguise of spiritualism. I shall have more to say of these people in the next Lecture, on Augustine, since one of his great fights was against the Manichean heresy. So I pass them by with only a brief allusion to their opinions.

Men work at money-lending or manufacturing sporting-goods, and when they get old and tired they make the thrilling discovery that they have souls; the theosophists cultivate these souls and they leave their money to the soul-cause, and there are lawsuits and exposes in the newspapers.