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That was the opinion of Théophile Gautier, but Victor Hugo disagreed. The sun is beautiful, he used to say, and it is useful. That is true, but the sun is not an object of art. Besides, how many times Victor Hugo denied his own doctrine by writing verses which were merely brilliant descriptions or admirable bits of imagination? We are, however, talking of art and not of literature.

It often happens that the book translated is in a great degree indicative of the mental calibre of its translator. Thus it is characteristic of Carlyle that he translated Goethe, of Swinburne that he selected the verses of Villon or Théophile Gautier for the same purpose. But Mary's case was entirely different. The choice of foreign works rendered into English was not hers, but Mr. Johnson's.

Mark's as if I had the pretension of giving a description of it or as if the reader desired one. The reader has been too well served already. It is surely the best-described building in the world. Open the <i>Stones of Venice</i>, open Theophile Gautier's <i>ltalia</i>, and you will see.

His rhythmic sense is akin to Flaubert's, of whom Arthur Symons wrote: "He invents the rhythm of every sentence, he changes his cadence with every mood, or for the convenience of every fact; ... he has no fixed prose tune." Nor, by the same token, has Conrad. He seldom indulges, as does Théophile Gautier, in the static paragraph. He is ever in modulation. There is ebb and flow in his sentences.

At the time of his first appearance in the Assembly he wore, as formerly did Théophile Gautier, a red waistcoat, and the shudder which Gautier's waistcoat caused among the men of letters in 1830, Gaston Dussoubs' waistcoat caused among the Royalists of 1851. M. Parisis, Bishop of Langres, who would have had no objection to a red hat, was terrified by Gaston Dussoubs' red waistcoat.

Balzac starts the Chronique de Paris Balzac and Theophile Gautier Lawsuit with the Revue de Paris Failure of the Chronique Strain and exhaustion Balzac travels in Italy Madame Marbouty Return to Paris Death of Madame de Berny Balzac's grief and family anxieties He is imprisoned for refusal to serve in Garde Nationale Werdet's failure Balzac's desperate pecuniary position and prodigies of work Close of the disastrous year 1836.

It seemed as if we had been for an hour in the presence of the portly critic; and the circle of brilliant men and witty women who surrounded himFlaubert, Tourguéneff, Théophile Gautier, Renan, George Sandwere realities at that moment, not abstractions with great names. It was like returning from another age, to step out again into the glare and bustle of the Boulevard St. Michel.

Theophile Gautier, who paid him a visit there not long after the installation, gave a sketch of what he saw in an article that appeared in the Artiste. It is to be hoped that the error, which has been pointed out to the Curator, will be rectified.

Now the fame of this wall reached King Theophile for this was in the days of his warring and he laughed on his throne and said, "Oh, little Nation, I will make mincemeat of thee, for I have every kind of weapon that is made, and many officials who do nothing all day but spy on other people and brandish their swords. What have you to oppose to such strength?

Austin Dobson writes were mostly content with waylaying a chance passer-by; while their contemporaries in France usually worked on this principle also, as witness the deeds of the band who figure in Théophile Gautier’s story Le Capitaine Fracasse.