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Some o' 'em, who I had the pleasure of surveyin' through Sarge's glasses this mornin', have overcoats good warm ones. Now that's what'd pleasure a poor cold Texas boy, makin' him forgit his troubles. You keep your eyes sighted for one of them theah overcoats, Boyd. I'll be right beholden to you for it." Hannibal brayed again and switched his rope tail.

And ah walked 50 mile to vote for Gen'l Grant at Vaughn's precinct. Ah voted fo' him in two sessions, he run twice. And ah was 21 the fust time, cause they come and got me, and say, 'Come on now. You can vote now, you is 21. And theah now mah age is right theah. 'Bout as close as you can get it. "Ah was close to the battle front, and I seen all dem famous men.

They could not remain long in the burning death trap, and outside was Hardy's gang, waiting in the darkness to shoot them down if they ventured to escape. "Steady, boys!" encouraged the Texan. "Theah may be a chance fo' us yet." But one of them Blake was overcome with terror. In spite of what the others did to restrain him, he ran outside, tearing his way through the barricade.

I can see some hangin's comin' out of that ambush." "Theah's still twenty hombres down theah, an' four of us. We can pick off a few from up heah, but they ain't gonna wait around to git sniped. So, how we gonna spread ourselves ?" Kirby's was the unanswerable question.

You entah a wide door whose threshold her little feet will press. She will trail up this staiahway," and he let his pencil linger lovingly over the place, "in her silks and velvets, followed by her maids, and theah on the second landing she will find palms and the flowahs she loves best, and her own white room with its bed of gold covahd with lace so delicate, delicate as she is.

What added to their subtle humor immensely was the fact that the embodied jokes were almost always turned at his own expense. But the last of his relations brought tears into the eyes of one woman at least, and made Douglass kick embarrassedly at the glowing log heap until the sparks arose in an inverted cascade of fire. "Theah is some people in thu wohld that seem just bawn foh trubble!

Cyclona looked straight at him out of her big dark eyes framed by their heavy lashes. "I am a neighbor of yourn," she said. "I'm glad of that," responded Seth with ready Southern cordiality. "Wheah do you live?" Cyclona turned and pointed to the horizon. "About ten or twelve miles away," she explained. "There!" "Been theah long?" asked Seth.

"You don't think it's goin' to work?" Drew asked Kirby. The Texan shrugged. "Maybe, only hosses don't think like men. An' a lotta hosses don't take kindly to gittin' wheah theah ain't no footin'. Me, I want to see a little more, 'fore I roll out " Kirby's misgivings were amply justified. For that first voyage was doomed to a tragic and speedy end.

"Sure, but then they should ... they ought to pay up somehow for huntin' their hosses on somebody else's range. We'd be right peaceable was they to throw their hoofs outta heah. My, my, lookit them millin' round down theah. Jus' like a bunch of ants, ain't they? Had us one of Cap'n Morton's bull pups now, we could throw us a few shells as would make that nest boil right over into the gully!"

Now keep quiet. We'll be there soon." "Ah ain't a-goin'," he declared mutinously. "Don't be silly," Ricky scolded him; "we're taking you. Does Val have to come and hold you down?" "Ah can't!" His eyes flickered from Val's face to hers. There was something more than independence behind that firm refusal. "Ah ain't a-goin' theah." "Why not?" He seemed to shrink from her.