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I cannot have the other one bored! It will kill me!" "Well, I wouldn't if I was you, Miss Amy," said she, "cos you can hang both rings in one ear, you know and that'll look real beautiful, won't it, Holly?" Holly burst into a loud fit of laughter, and through the effects of ridicule, I submitted a second time to the infliction.

"I say," he said, "what must you think of me? Gassing about myself like that." "I think," she said, "it's awfully nice of you." "I don't suppose I shall do anything really big. Do you?" She was silent. "Honestly now, do you think I shall?" "I think the things you've done already, the things that'll never be heard of, are really big."

"Perfect ass, of course; but I let him run along, and pretty soon he says, 'I've just bought half a barrel of salt mackerel, which I'm going to put in the Schuylkill. My idea, says he, 'is to breed a mackerel that'll be all ready soaked when you catch him. The ocean mackerel always tastes too much of the salt.

If you hear of its bein' found, tell 'em to fetch it here." He carefully wrote out a notice which he pinned up alongside an advertisement of a boat for sale, a cottage to let, and a moonlight excursion. "That'll fetch it," he said. "If it's been found on this island, you'll get it. You tell 'em over to the P'int we're on the lookout. How is it you're undertakin' to look it up, Ellis?

"No, Samson; but don't stand there talking. Did you bring a rope?" "How could I bring the rope, when you'd got it?" "Go and fetch another." "There isn't one that'll bear you. Can't you throw up the end of that one?" "Impossible! You must fetch another." "And who's to do my gardening while I'm hunting all over Coombeland for ropes as nobody won't lend?" "Look here, Samson," cried Scarlett.

The seaman patted Martin on the head as he spoke; and, turning to Bob Croaker, continued: "Ye ought to be proud, ye spalpeen, o' bein' wopped by sich a young hero as this. Come here and shake hands with him: d'ye hear? Troth an' it's besmearin' ye with too much honour that same. There, that'll do. Don't say ye're sorry now, for it's lies ye'd be tellin' if ye did.

I'll get down to the machine for the cord and then I'll skirmish around for anything in the nature of poles or planks. I can get over to that hut and back before you've done. It'll be the camelling that'll kill him."

They don't become a man who's got a man's heart, and the sinews of a man." William Hinkley leaned against the fireplace with his head resting upon his hand. The other approached him. "I don't mean to say anything, Bill, or even to look anything, that'll do you hurt. I'm for bringing your trouble to a short cut.

I've got to find a profession that'll give me a bigger chance than poor Dad had, so I can marry young and have lots and gob-lots of kids." The wind increased and Jim slid off the coil of rope and lay flat on his back, looking up at the sky. It was full of stars and scudding clouds. Jim missed the sky in New York. He lay staring, sailing with the clouds while his boyish heart glowed with the stars.

A heavier lurch than ordinary sent her main channels grinding down on the mackerel boat's gunwale, smashing her upper strakes and springing her mizzen mast as she recovered herself. "Be dashed," said one of the officers, "if I trust myself in a boat that'll go down under us between this and land!" The rest seemed to be of his mind, too.