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I submit to Mr. Secretary Seward that he ought to make diplomatic remonstrances to the British Ministry, and require them to take such order that the Queen shall not any longer bewilder the wits of our poor compatriots by responding to their epistles and thanking them for their photographs.

She replied, thanking him both, for his advice and his offer, but saying that, as she had no scheme on foot requiring such assistance, she could not at present accept the latter; should, however, any thing show itself for which that sort of help was desirable, she would take the liberty of reminding him of it. When the ladies rose, Judy took me aside, and said, "What does it all mean, Wynnie?"

As soon as the old noblewoman heard that the bill of exchange for her son was on the way to Paris, she expressed her intention of thanking his Majesty for this noble donation.

Little feeling of pride was there in me just then, and I felt that in this rigid unyielding dogmatism there was no comprehension of my difficulties, no help for me in my strugglings. I rose and, thanking him for his courtesy, said that I would not waste his time further, that I must go home and just face the difficulties out, openly leaving the Church and taking the consequences.

J said very little more; he took the keys of the house out of his bureau, gave them to me and, thanking him cordially for his frankness, and his urbane concession to my wish, I carried off my prize.

'DEAR SIR, Observing by the newspapers that you have returned home after your cruise, we take this opportunity of thanking you most heartily for the valuable assistance you rendered to the crew of our late barque "Monkshaven," in lat. 43 28 S., lon. 62 21 W., after she proved to be on fire and beyond saving.

I broke the wax of the second despatch; it was from Harrow, briefly thanking me for the capture of Beacraft, adding that the man had been sent to Albany to await court-martial. That meant that Beacraft must hang; a most disagreeable feeling came over me, and I tore open the third and last paper, a bulky document, and read it: "VARICK MANOR, "June the 2d. "An hour to dawn.

She was so dignified, and in some ways reserved. She got a letter from Mrs. Nestor a few days later, thanking her for reading with Jerry again, and saying that of course the lessons must be arranged about as before. And it vexed her a very little. But however that may have been, she wrote a letter to Mrs. Nestor, which made her really afraid of offering to pay.

José Medina had clearly become a caballero since those early days of adventure. Hillyard noted the point for his own guidance, thanking his stars meanwhile that the gift of the house was a meaningless politeness. "I arrived at Palma this morning, in a yacht," said Hillyard. José Medina was prepared for the information. He bowed.

Mentally thanking the fashion which condoned it, she turned the trousers up at the bottom. "I'll use my scissors and needle on them to-night," she said, ruthlessly. Thank goodness, the jockeys are all little chaps, and the racing clothes will fit better. The coat was of summer wear, therefore somewhat close-fitting for Alan; but why did it hang so loosely on her?