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They were buoyed up by the official assurance that their detention was merely a matter of form, and that they would soon be released and free to proceed to their homes. I may say that this is a favourite ruse followed by the Germans in all the camps in which I was interned, and I discovered that it was general throughout the country. It is always expressed whenever the Teutons see trouble brewing.

But in these violent times I remember with a curious vividness how you brandished a paintbrush about your easel when I was a boy; and how it thrilled me to think that you had so brandished a bayonet against the Teutons I hope with the same precision and happy results. Round about that period, the very pigments seemed to have some sort of picturesque connection with your national story.

The Ambrons and Teutons beaten, there remained the Kymrians, who, according to agreement, had repassed the Helvetic Alps and entered Italy on the north-east, by way of the Adige.

As the British closed upon them, the Germans poured in one fierce volley; but they had no time for more. Down went Teutons and English in struggling heaps, but the British poured over them and continued their deadly work. All along the line the Germans gave ground slowly, their enemies pursuing them relentlessly and cutting them down as they retreated. The engagement became a slaughter.

His troubles in France crept on apace. It began to be rumoured that the emigrants were being enrolled in the Halifax militia; and, France being no longer a profitable field, Dick transferred his activities to Germany. Alluring handbills in the German tongue were circulated, and in the end a considerable number of Teutons arrived at Halifax. Most of these were afterwards settled at Lunenburg.

"You are sure there was a treaty, Maude?" demanded her parent accusingly. "Certainly," she cried. "The Teutons ceded Alsace-Lorraine to " "Pardon me once more," I cried, and this time I plead guilty to a blush, "you are thinking of the other treaty the one at Metz, Miss Riley-Werkheimer. This, as you will recall, ante-dates that one by oh, several years."

Not only did the Eastern Empire disappear at last, not only did Hungary rise to the brief zenith of her glory, there was a sort of general movement, sometimes spoken of as the "Slavonic reaction," against the hitherto successful Teutons. The Slavic Bohemians in their "Hussite" wars repelled all the religious fighting strength of Europe.

With this, the council terminated, after which Zbyszko took leave of the prince, because they were soon to start on their journey. But before their departure, Mikolaj of Dlugolas, who had experience and knew the Teutons well, called Zbyszko aside and inquired: "And will you take that Bohemian fellow along with you to the Germans?" "Surely, he will not leave me. But why?"

The allied Press was over-hopeful, right being certain to triumph over might wedded to wrong. Publicists pitied the Teutons in anticipation of the fate that was fast overtaking them. Pæans of victory resounded, allaying the apprehensions and numbing the energies of the leagued nations. The German, it was asseverated, had shot his bolt and was at bay.

Arlt had genius; but he lacked both influence and initiative. The fight would be a long one, and Arlt's conquest would be at the expense of many a wound. Teutons are not necessarily pachyderms, and Arlt was sensitive to a rare degree. As Arlt's fingers dropped from the keys at the close of Valentine's song of farewell, Thayer laughed suddenly.