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He followed it to the lake and to the high road to Epinay, where the phantom suddenly disappeared. "'Did you see his face? demanded Larsan. "'No! I saw nothing but black veils. "'Did you go out after what passed on the gallery? "'I could not! I was terrified. "'Daddy Jacques, I said, in a threatening voice, 'you did not follow it; you and the phantom walked to Epinay together arm in arm!

After having for a long time refused to take advantage of the bridges, which lay open, the multitude, terrified by the noise of the cannon and the approach of the enemy, rushed in a body towards the river, heedless of discipline, or the necessity for reserving one road for those on foot and the other for carriages.

The very chairs looked, in their disarray, as if they were terrified and had run in all directions. Death terrible Death was in the room, hidden, awaiting his prey. This history of the two sisters was an affecting one. It was spoken of far and wide; it had drawn tears from many eyes. Suzanne, the elder, had once been passionately loved by a young man, whose affection she returned.

She stopped in the act of putting the note in her bosom, and, with her hands yet at her neck, looked terrified at Madame Defarge. Madame Defarge met the lifted eyebrows and forehead with a cold, impassive stare. "My dear," said Mr.

While the Waldrons and their guests in the Portsmouth home were gaily chatting at the table, cries of "The Indians! The Indians!" were shrieked through the hall, and the terrified girl in working clothes rushed in exhausted. As soon as she recovered her voice, she poured forth brokenly, "The Indians I ran They didn't see me!" "But Madam Cutt, where is she?" asked Col. Waldron.

He stopped, trembling, only to slide down again; terrified, he tried to struggle upward: but the shale gave way beneath his feet, and go he must. What was that noise above his head? A falling stone? Were his enemies in pursuit? Down to the depth of hell rather than that they should take him!

Gradually they appeared to draw nearer, to sound from all sides, to fill the air overhead, and even at last to ascend from the depths below. Strangely sweet, yet sadly plaintive, they at once charmed and terrified the poor boy, weak from his recent illness, and worn with the anxieties of his situation. At last Regnar awoke, and to him Waring applied for an explanation of the strange sounds.

Here one or two females still knelt before the saints which the walls and niches presented for adoration; but the rest of the terrified suppliants, too anxious to prolong their devotions, had dispersed through the castle to learn tidings of their friends, and to obtain some refreshment, or at least some place of repose for themselves and their families.

Afraid of the streets and of their homes, the wives and daughters of many officials fled hither as to a haven of refuge which would never be suspected. They crowded the passages, the staircases, the reception-rooms. They besieged the officers for news of that which befell without. Their terrified faces remained a striking tribute to the ferocity of their enemies and the reality of the peril.

A third said, the "empress-queen, Maria Theresa, was terrified at the rapid advance of the Prussians, and had immediately commenced negotiations for peace."