United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

She could not turn away her eyes. And this being, newer than the morning paper and yet ancient as man, was flesh of her flesh. The little, tightly clenched fists attracted her as irresistibly as the face. She surprised herself by poking one tentatively, and when the fingers opened and closed about hers, her lips parted as if to cry out.

And he, too, flushed a little now in saying, gently, tentatively; "May I see the little boy?" "I will bring him," said Amabel. How she remembered, all her life long, that meeting of her husband and her son. It was the late afternoon of a bright June day and the warm smell of flowers floated in at the open windows of the drawing-room.

"If you are quite sure you won't mind?" she said, tentatively. "Well, your place is so beautiful, even apart from this this bower of nymphs, it is so shadowed with great trees, and so green with old turf, that when I saw you this morning walking under the tree, I made up a romance about you, a pretty little romance. You are quite sure you don't mind?

Standing on the captain's deck of an American warship not long ago, watching the deck hands below putting things shipshape, I asked an officer "Is there any chance for those men to rise?" "Yes, some," he answered tentatively, "but then, there is a difference between the men who have been trained for a position, and those who have worked up the line to it."

They found themselves presently perched upon two high stools in a deserted corner of the bar to which Pritchard had led the way. Tavernake sipped his drink tentatively. "I should like," he said, "to ask you a question or two about Wednesday night." Pritchard nodded. "Go right ahead," he invited. "You seem to take the whole affair as a sort of joke," Tavernake remarked.

The eyes of the Grand Vizier and the Khan surveyed the ranks of the Janissary officers, while Halil's faithful adherents began to assemble round their leader. "Then there is no answer to the words of Halil Patrona?" inquired Kabakulak at last tentatively. They were all silent. "Have you no answer at all then?"

Freda," he said gently, "please sit down. You may fall overboard." "I am not insane," she said, as though reading his thought; and, smiling radiantly in his face, she obeyed him. "Do you know where we are?" he asked tentatively. "Are we in the track of ships?" "No," she answered, while her face took on the dreamy look again. "We are out of all the tracks. We will not be picked up.

Like a pianist who strikes the notes of his instrument tentatively, feeling about for the right key, he touched on one subject after another, confident that in the end he would light on something really interesting to his passenger. Michael Kane was happy in this, that he could talk equally well on all subjects.

His head fell forward; Captain Forsythe looked at him; called up loudly, excitedly to the driver. A dubious sort of day, one that seemed vainly trying to appear cheerful! A day that threw out half-promises, that showed tentatively on the sky a mottled blur where the sun should have been!

Hilmer, raising the question, answered it tentatively by a statement that held a curious mixture of hope and fear. "Hilmer's going south himself next week... On business, he says." She laughed harshly. "I wonder if they both think me quite a fool! ... If he succeeds this time she's done for!" Fred Starratt stirred in his seat.