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The opening paragraphs, while less applicable, in their immediate purport, to the present moment, are nevertheless not inappropriate as an explanation of the general tenor of the work itself; and they suggest, moreover, another line of reflection upon the influence, imperceptibly exerted, and passively accepted in men's minds, by the quiet passing of even a single calendar year.

She crossed by the ferry, thinking she would, if possible, meet the Tenor as he came away from the afternoon service. In that hope, however, she was disappointed, for when she got to the cathedral she found the service over, the congregation dispersed, and the doors locked. There was nothing for it then but to go to his own house.

Once the editor, forgetting the official notice in his paper that the Cretans were crushed out, printed a letter of a very different tenor, from the American Consul in Crete, and was fined two hundred and fifty dollars for it. Shortly he printed another from the same source and was imprisoned three months for his pains.

This refrain, added to others of the same tenor, began to weary Manuel. One day the salesman heaped the insults and the vilification upon him more plentifully than ever. They had sent the boy out for two coffees, and he was slow in returning; on that particular day the delay was not due to any fault of his, for he had been kept waiting a long time.

Madame told the regent the adventure of the opera, and the exclamation of the princess, in her admiration for the handsome tenor. "Diable!" cried the regent, "and what did you and the Duchesse d'Orleans do in your maternal council?" "We showed Cauchereau the door, and forbade the opera to Mademoiselle de Chartres; we could not do less."

Both were dripping as if from an immersion, while the air about the latter vibrated with heat waves. They both stumbled as they walked, and it was only by the strongest effort of will that they propelled themselves. As they neared the corner of the big, low-lying ranch-house, already reflecting the hot glare of the morning sun, a man's clear tenor voice came to them.

They call us the Heavenly Twins," said Angelica. "Yes, you told me," the Tenor repeated thoughtfully. "But then you told me so many things." "Well, I told you nothing that was not absolutely true," Angelica answered "from Diavolo's point of view.

Since Lord George Gordon stands clear of every hostile act or purpose against the Legislature of his country, or the properties of his fellow-subjects since the whole tenor of conduct repels the belief of the traitorous intention charged by the indictment my task is finished. I shall make no address to your passions.

It is the natural consequence of all this, that there is more folly, if not more crime, committed on this than on all the other six days together. Thus man, at least ignorant man, is unfit to be trusted with anything under heaven; since a remarkable appointment for raising the general tenor of moral existence, has with these persons the effect of sinking it.

They immediately halted, and began jabbering away in loud voices. It was evident that they were alarmed at the sight of the strangers. If three lads and a black had been able to hold them in check for so long a time, what chance would they have when encountered by a party of well-armed men on horseback? Such, probably, was the tenor of their remarks to each other.