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Taine, who preferred Alfred de Musset to Tennyson, made of a contrast between the two men the most telling pages in his history of our literature, setting in graphic antithesis the dust and flare and fever of the Boulevards against the English home, gray twilight poured On dewy pastures, dewy trees, Softer than sleep, all things in order stored, A haunt of ancient peace,

How glad I shall be if it is true that Tennyson is married! I believe in the happiness of marriage, for men especially. Among them was an article on the Brownings, giving biographical detail with respect to Mrs. Through the greater part of the summer of 1850 the Brownings held fast in Florence, and it was not until September, when Mrs.

How little we look to the Universities, where a lifetime devoted to the study of the nuances of classical expression is considered well spent, for any literature which either raises the intellectual temperature or enriches the blood of the world! The fact is that the highly-cultivated man tends to find himself mentally hampered by his cultivation, to wade in a sea of glue, as Tennyson said.

In Rossetti's poetry and the poetry of Morris, Swinburne and Tennyson a perfect precision and choice of language, a style flawless and fearless, a seeking for all sweet and precious melodies and a sustaining consciousness of the musical value of each word are opposed to that value which is merely intellectual.

Shelley, it is true, died by accident, and Chatterton by poison, but suicide is in itself a sign of a morbid state. It is true that Rogers lived to be almost a centenarian, but he was banker first and poet afterwards. Wordsworth, Tennyson, and Browning have all raised the average age of the poets, but for some reason the novelists, especially of late years, have a deplorable record.

Bernard, St. Francis, Savonarola, Luther, Queen Elizabeth, Columbus, Washington, Lincoln, Homer, Virgil, Dante, Tennyson, and Lowell. The boys on the prairies had to earn their bread; they could not spend six years travelling around and studying all the writers above mentioned, making themselves morally autonomous, and worshipping their own deepest and eternal selves.

'Met her down in the Leggatt fields. I find she doesn't write independently; just helps her father. What the help amounts to I can't say. There's something very attractive about her. She quoted a line or two of Tennyson; the first time I ever heard a woman speak blank verse with any kind of decency. 'She was walking alone? 'Yes.

Handel is so great and so simple that no one but a professional musician is unable to understand him. Handel and Dr. Morell After all, Dr. Morell suited Handel exactly well far better than Tennyson would have done. I don't believe even Handel could have set Tennyson to music comfortably. What a mercy it is that he did not live in Handel's time!

She worked sometimes; she read a great deal sitting upstairs in her own little room. One day Dion found her with a volume of Tennyson; another day she was reading Shakespeare's "Henry the Fifth"; she had the "Paradiso" in hand, too, and the Greek Testament with the English text in parallel columns.

And the whole little wood where I sit is a world of plunder and prey." The constant warfare implied in the evolutionary theory of the survival of the fittest did not keep Tennyson from also presenting nature in her gentler aspects. In Maud, the lover sings "...whenever a March-wind sighs, He sets the jewel-print of your feet In violets blue as your eyes,"