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And while Myrtle's eyes followed hers, the flattened and half-crushed creature seemed to swell and spread like his relative in the old fable, like the black dog in Faust, until he became of tenfold size, and at last of colossal proportions.

What castles in the air I built as I stood rejoicing in the morning light and my newly acquired liberty what dreams of perfect happiness flitted radiantly before my fancy! Nina and I would love each other more fondly than before, I thought our separation had been brief, but terrible and the idea of what it might have been would endear us to one another with tenfold fervor. And little Stella!

The mind that knows how to perpetrate an action, should know how to hear the story of it repeated, and to answer it in all its circumstances. Matilda, I loved you. Alas, this is to say little! All my thoughts had you for their centre. I was your slave. With you I could encounter tenfold calamity, and call it happiness. Banished from you, the world was a colourless and confused chaos.

They a first paid their attentions to the boat and the oars, which they buffeted about till they were driven close to the rock, at a little distance from the place where I had found temporary safety. They left these things unharmed as soon as they caught sight of me, and then their eagerness and violence returned with tenfold fury.

Asher and Virginia Aydelot had come out on the veranda to look for Leigh. A moment they waited, then Asher said softly: "He has forgotten us, but he has come back to the life we love." "And he will come back to us tenfold more ours, because his heart is here," Virginia answered, and the two stole softly indoors.

After consulting some time, we decided to lower ourselves down to this rock-band, and make it the base of our further movements, instead of operating, as we had intended, from the crest of the cliff, where everything but for this obstacle would have been tenfold easier.

Taxation was reduced, expenditure was increased, and yet the balance in the treasury at Cæsar's death was tenfold what it had ever been before a proof of the frightful waste and corruption from which the Roman world was rescued by the overthrow of the oligarchy. Of the administrative work of Cæsar it is impossible here to give any adequate idea.

The three great capitals of Khorasan were destroyed by his orders, and a reckoning made of the slain; at Maru were killed 1,300,000; at Herat, 1,600,000; and at Neisabour, 1,747,000; making a total of 4,647,000 deaths. Say these numbers are exaggerated fourfold or tenfold; even on the last supposition you will have a massacre of towards half a million of helpless beings.

He had cast aside the hero, and however Ripton had obeyed him and looked up to him in the heroic time, he loved him tenfold now. He told his friend how much Lucy's mere womanly sweetness and excellence had done for him, and Richard contrasted his own profitless extravagance with the patient beauty of his dear home angel. He was not one to take her on the easy terms that offered.

"All has gone well better, I understand, than you even hoped for, and you have done a great thing, Geoffrey," she said. "You have saved me my inheritance which is of small importance and I know all now my father's honor. You have repaid him tenfold, and gratified his heart's desire." "Then I am thankful," answered Geoffrey very quietly.