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"The first principle, therefore, which an Irish landlord or, indeed any landlord should lay down, as his fixed and unerring guide, is ever to remember that his tenantry are his best friends his only patrons and that instead of looking down upon them with contempt, neglect, or even indifference, he should feel that they are his chief benefactors, who prop his influence, maintain his rank, and support his authority.

Among his own tenantry, the small farmers along the shores of the two lochs which bounded the peninsula, his long minority and mysterious affliction made him personally almost unknown. They used to come twice a year, at WhitSunday and Martinmas, to pay their rents to Mr.

The Horns was given expressly by my uncle to your dear mother, and I should like Mary to have the place." "Certainly." "You should live among your tenantry. I don't care so very much for Matching." "It is the one place you do like, sir." "However, we can manage all that. Carlton Terrace I do not particularly like; but it is a good house, and there you should hang up your hat when in London.

Gorgeously decorated as were the other apartments of his princely residence, this apartment, with its plain business-look its hard benches for such of the tenantry as came to him or his agent on business its walls garnished with abstracts of the Game and Poor Law Enactments its worn old chairs and heavy oak presses, the open doors of some of which disclosed bundles of old papers, parchments, etc. this little room, the only one almost ever seen by any save the aristocracy and their followers exercised and contained frequently more of human hope and fear than any other or the whole of the others of this sumptuous edifice.

Devoting himself strictly to his duties, to the care of the church, to the interests of his parishioners, young and old, to the cultivation of his garden, and to the careful preservation of all the natural beauties of the landscape around him, John lived very much the life of a 'holy man' of mediaeval days; while Sir Horton built and 'patronised' a hospital at Riversford, gave several prizes for cabbages and shooting competitions, occasionally patted the heads of a few straggling school-children, fussed round among his scattered tenantry, and wrote paragraphs about his own 'fine presence and open-hearted hospitality' for publication in the 'Riversford Gazette' whenever he entertained a house party at Badsworth Hall, which he very frequently did.

There was not a resource of her ingenuity she had not employed for years back to bring these refractory subjects into the pale of a respectable tenantry. Every process of the law had been essayed in turn.

Miss Horn was growing more and more uncomfortable concerning events, and dissatisfied with Malcolm. She had not for some time heard from him, and here was his most important duty unattended to she would not yet say neglected the well being of his tenantry, namely, left in the hands of an unsympathetic, self important underling, who was fast losing all the good sense he had once possessed!

It hence forcibly appears that theatres of life must have remained unserviceable, or in the possession of a tenantry inferior to what might have enjoyed them, for many ages: there surely would have been no such waste allowed in a system where Omnipotence was working upon the plan of minute attention to specialities.

Lord Cumnor had certainly a little time for gossip, which he contrived to combine with the failing of personal intervention between the old land-steward and the tenantry. But, then, the countess made up by her unapproachable dignity for this weakness of the earl's. Once a year she was condescending.

Hope- Scott's Kindness to his Highland Tenants Builds School and Church at Mingarry Church at Glenuig Sells Dorlin to Lord Howard of Glossop Other Scottish Missions aided by Mr. Hope-Scott His Irish Tenantry His Charities at Hyeres. The reader has now been enabled to form an opinion of Mr. Hope-Scott's character and actions in various aspects.