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In this way increased space for the storage of tools was gained, besides room for a desk containing the government working drawings and specifications, pay-rolls, etc. In addition to its door, fastened at night with a padlock, and its one glass window, secured by a ten-penny nail, the shanty had a flap-window, hinged at the bottom.

"That afternoon, when you sent your love to my cat, I could have told you that. In fact I did." From Jones' air and manner you would have said that he was willing and able to bite a ten-penny nail. Cassy did not notice. "It appears, too, that I am entitled to some of his wretched money." "It is unfortunate I did not know that also." "I believe you did. But I sha'n't take it." Jones drew a chair.

"The spectators appearing to be amazed at these feats, were told that there were upwards of fifty persons in the same company who could do the same thing; that there was not one who could not 'plug nineteen bullets out of twenty, as they termed it, within an inch of the head of a ten-penny nail.

He was reminded of the rear half of the attic, where for years had been gathering odds and ends. There was a bit of torn and faded mosquito-netting, an old mouth-organ, a broken domino, a pair of half-worn mittens, a ten-penny nail, a dog-eared copy of "Alice in Wonderland," and a slate-pencil.

They did a "cash, credit and barter" business, and the boy soon learned to drive sharp bargains with women who brought butter, eggs, beeswax and feathers to exchange for dry goods, and with men who wanted to trade oats, corn, buckwheat, axehelves, hats and other commodities for ten-penny nails, molasses or New England rum.

He gave another look at the cards, and then put them into his pocket. "Looks as if he wanted to remember us," thought Nat. By that time the train moved so far ahead that the professor was no longer to be seen. "How about it?" asked Jack, sticking his head through his curtains over toward Ned's berth. "He was mad enough to bite a ten-penny nail in two," said Nat.

One could not think of Aristotle or Beethoven multiplying 3,472,701 by 99,999 without making a mistake, nor could one think of him remembering the range of this or that railway share for two years, or the number of ten-penny nails in a hundred weight, or the freight on lard from Galveston to Rotterdam.

Of course I do a great many things, and say a great many things, and think a great many things, that I ought not; but when I think of the sins that I don't commit, the many times when I feel cross enough to "bite a ten-penny nail in two," and only bite my lips, the sacrifices I make for other people, and don't mention it, and they themselves never know it, the quiet cheerfulness I maintain when the fire goes out, or unexpected guests arrive and there is no bread in the house, or my manuscript is respectfully declined by that infatuated editor, when I reflect upon these things, and a thousand others like unto them, I must say, I am lost in admiration of my own virtues.

High up overhead, through the dingy panes, he could see the little fleecy clouds floating about in peaceful unconcern. May was a slack month. And at its end came June June, with its four weeks' inventory period wherein each stick and stone of the entire plant, each ten-penny nail, each carriage bolt, would have to be listed, valued, and carried into an imposing total.

When I was with Hendry cloaks with beads were the fashion, and Jess sighed as she looked at them. Kyowowy means finicky, and applied to the draper by general consent. No doubt it was very characteristic to call the cloaks by their market value. In the glen my scholars still talk of their school-books as the tupenny, the fowerpenny, the sax-penny. They finish their education with the ten-penny.