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"If we took weapons from there and lost the fight...." He advanced his first objection and was glad to see the expression of comprehension on Jil-Lee's face. "It would be putting the weapons straight into Red hands," the other agreed. "We may have to chance it before we're through," Manulito warned. "Suppose we do get some of their technicians into this trap.

He laughed tactfully. "You're like lawyers, all you technicians. You answer everything yes and no at the same time. I hoped you'd remember the conversation. I got that idea from it." The general waited. "Well, David don't look like that it's not at all important. Just trying to refresh my own memory. It's not important, really.... Good night, David." He placed the helmet over his head.

Various technicians were sent for, and the doctor, tall, solemn and benign, looked over his stiff, turned-down collar and the black string tie drooping around it, as though searching for some profound truth which would be readily apparent to him alone.

They were avowedly aimed at the up-rooting of Marxism from the area. They not only failed in their main objective but they gave the Soviet Union and the Chinese a chance to pit their advisers, technicians and military equipment against that of the United States as the major capitalist contender in the area.

The mikes would be receiving transducers and the speakers would be transmitting transducers. "The leads from them," Tom ended, "will be centralized in a single electronic control unit inside the ship. I'll handle that part of it." "Great idea, Tom!" Arv Hanson said admiringly. "But what a job it'll be rigging those transducers," put in one of the technicians. Tom nodded wryly.

The technicians of Mekin would set to work instantly to duplicate them. Once they were considered possible once they were recognized they could be achieved. The combat efficiency of the Mekinese fleet would be increased as greatly as that of the fleet of Kandar had been, and the overwhelming superiority of numbers would again become decisive.

One of the Egyptian technicians drove to the Mena House and brought back sandwiches and cokes. The scientists departed, to have a quick dinner and then resume work at a different location where a computer was available to do the complicated mathematics required for analysis of the data. Rick and Scotty started work right away. The police driver sat in a chair and watched them.

They're all qualified cybernetics technicians; they can do this work better than this gang we've had to hire here. Just to be on the safe side, I'm promoting all of them, as of oh-eight-hundred this morning, to assistant gang-foremen, on salaries. That'll take them outside union jurisdiction." "But how about our contract with the I.F.A.W.?"

"Have the technicians been able to find out what's making the screens fail?" "We're on the right track, Lieutenant," said Strong shortly. "Can't you get any more speed out of this thing?" "Yes, sir," replied the officer. He rammed the accelerator to the floor and the small truck blasted through the streets as though shot out of cannon.

They answered with much interesting detail: "Because the Germans have understood the importance of aviation from a military point of view and have concentrated all their forces to develop this service. "Owing to the large number of scientists and technicians they possess they are able constantly to perfect motors and planes.