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What is provided is shown by the following taken from the bill of fare as it was served us: Hor d'ouvres four kinds; five kinds of salad; two kinds of soup; seven kinds of fish; four kinds of paste; broiled spring chicken; green salad with French dressing; ice cream or rum omelet; mixed fruits; demi tasse. With this is served a pint of good table wine.

It used to give her Hysterics to see him bark at an Ear of Green Corn, at the same time making a Sound like a Dredge. For Dinner she liked a little Consommé en Tasse and then a Nice Salad, while he insisted on a Steak the size of a Door Mat and German Fried to come along. They did not Mocha and Java at all on their Reading Matter.

That lovest the harping of the Gael, Through fair and fertile regions borne, Where never yet grew grass or corn. But English poetry will never succeed under the influence of a Highland Helicon. Allons, courage! O vous, qui buvez, a tasse pleine, A cette heureuse f ontaine, Ou on ne voit, sur le rivage, Que quelques vilains troupeaux, Suivis de nymphes de village, Qui les escortent sans sabots

Such evidence, taken alone, is of the least possible weight; but both the traveller Anbury and General John Burgoyne, writing many years after the event, speak of Langlade, who was then alive, as the author of Braddock's defeat. Hence there can be little doubt that he took an important part in it, though the contemporary writers do not mention his name. Compare Tassé, Notice sur Charles Langlade.

Maurice, Fabre, Tasse, L'O. David, are among the prominent writers on the most widely circulated English and French Canadian papers. In the necessarily limited review I have been forced to give of the progress of journalism in Canada, I have made no mention of the religious press which has been established, in the large cities principally, as the exponent of the views of particular sects.

When these other guests were bedded, and the house in all our wing of it was still, my comrade and I sat down to a tasse of brandy in our chamber, almost blythe, as you would say, at the prospect of coming to blows with our country's spoilers.

How much would it be worth to you? "'Ten thousand dollars, says Vaucross, warm in a minute. 'But no murder, says he; 'and I won't wear pink pants at a cotillon. "'I wouldn't ask you to, says I. 'This is honorable, stylish and uneffeminate. Tell the waiter to bring a demi tasse and some other beans, and I will disclose to you the opus moderandi.

"The expression is Boileau's, Mademoiselle, in ridicule of the 'Sot de qualite, who prefers "'Le clinquant du Tasse a tout l'or de Virgile. "But for my part I have as little faith in the last as the first." "I do not know Latin, and have therefore not read Virgil," said Isaura. "Possibly," remarked Graham, "Monsieur does not know Italian, and has therefore not read Tasso."

Papa Bonneton nearly choked over his demi tasse as he listened to this plea, but the wood carver took it seriously. "I'll help you with pleasure," he said; "I'll take you around with me to several shops to-morrow." "To-morrow, not to-day?" asked Matthieu, apparently disappointed. "To-day," smiled Groener, "I enjoy myself. This afternoon I escort my pretty cousin to hear some music.

Thus begins the night romance of London: Souper. Oeufs de Pluvier Consommé Double en Tasse Fillet de Merlan