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You shall see your Princess Maida die this would-be traitoress to my Master Tarrano!" With all the strength of his puny body Wolfgar flung Georg backward safely away from the deadly violet beam. And then, without warning, without a cry which would endanger us, the little Mars man sprang headlong, into and through the violet beam of death. Passing of a Friend

I suppose, at that moment, the Earth war vessels were no more than five miles away. The whole sky was a kaleidoscope of darting lights. In answer to his order, from the peak of our tower a light bomb mounted a vertical ray of green light. The bomb of surrender! Tarrano chuckled. "That should halt them. Come! We must start." He held a brief colloquy with a Venus man who appeared beside him.

A circular hat, with a vivid plume. A smooth-shaven face; black hair long to the base of the neck; a deep, red-brown complexion. A native of the Little People of Mars, here in the service of Tarrano. He stood stiff and respectful in the tunnel entrance. Tarrano said crisply: "Wolfgar, take these two men to the fourth tower. Make them comfortable." I met Georg's eyes.

Hours of unprecedented turmoil on Earth, and on our neighboring worlds. We wondered how the Central State of Venus might be faring with the revolution. Would they ask aid of the Earth? This Tarrano merely a name to us as yet, but a name already full of dread. Where was he? Had he been responsible for all this? Dr. Brende's secret was in his hands now, we were sure. What would he do next?

They met our suggestion with a law excluding Venus immigrants entirely. It was this, I think, that precipitated tonight's events though of course they must have been brewing for a long time." "This Tarrano " I began. "I heard of him when I was in Venus," said Dr. Brende. "He was at that time a lower official in the Cold Country. Evidently he has risen in his world.

Elza saw that they had come to an open space an eminence rising above the forest. Underfoot was a stony soil; in places, bare black rock with an outcropping of red, like the cinnabar from which on Earth we melt the Heavy-metal. Tarrano faced her. "Nature, my Lady Elza, is fair to my purpose. I knew I would find some such deposit as this."

Other mirrors, eavesdropping upon the secluded islands, making public, for the amusement of the spectators in the pavilion, the furtive love-making of couples who fancied themselves alone. All this I had seen. And now I remembered that, occasionally, a mirror had gone dark, and then turned suddenly to a scene somewhere else. I understood now. Quiet incidents against Tarrano were in progress.

The old Tarrano over whom she still held sway. She summoned a look of haughty questioning. "You are bold, Tarrano " His gesture was deprecating; he seated himself on the edge of her couch. She saw now that he was fully dressed and armed with a belt of many instruments. At this time Elza had been in the City of Ice for a considerable period.

She had, now as always in the Venus Central State, a tremendous sentimental sway upon her people. Tarrano had abducted her, forcibly to remove her from the scene of action, so that during her unexplained absence his propaganda would have more influence. He had brought her here to Earth; and now his plan was to have Georg Brende and her fall in love with each other.

It came, of course, as I planned. This Little People government it was annoying ... Colley!" "Master?" "Send the message, Colley. Fling it audibly over Mars! Tell the rulers of the Little People that if they send up the green bomb of surrender Tarrano will spare them further bloodshed. Tell them that I am not giving the Brende secret to Earth. In a moment I shall defy the Earth Council.