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The deck and mast were conductors which magnified every sound and made the tap-tap of every rope's end resemble the blows of a hammer, and the slapping of the halyards against the mast the rattle of a Maxim gun. The whole tumult beat time to a rhythmical chorus which became maddening. 'We might turn in now, said Davies; 'it's half-past ten. 'What, sleep through this? I exclaimed.

I had thought that, perhaps, if no other man came that some time I might " Becky picked up her riding crop, and as she talked she tapped her hoot in a sort of staccato accompaniment. "That other man has come," tap-tap, "he kissed me," tap-tap, "and made me love him," tap-tap, "and he has gone away and he hasn't asked me to marry him."

Tarbell, resuming her former position in a great hurry, and dropping the law-journal. Tap-tap! "Come in!" said Mrs. Tarbell, picking up the law-journal. "Come in!" she said. And the door opened slowly. "Well?" said Mrs. Tarbell. "Is Mrs. Tarbell in?" said the party of the knocks. "I am Mrs. Tarbell. Come in, please. What can I do for you?" "I wanted to see you, ma'am." "Take a chair. Well?"

The soft tingling instruments, with the slow tap-tap marking the measure like a step, seemed a translation into chord and melody of this stately tender exercise. And so this glorious flower-bed, loaded too with a wealth of essences in the dresses and the sweet-washed gloves, swayed under the wind of the music, bending and rising together in slow waves and ripples.

It was the kind of thing that has happened on thousands of American farms. Sometimes at night Tom spoke of his children to Martha: "They are goin' to pass us by, Mother. They are goin' to amount to more than we have." And then he would go to the window and raise the sash. "Old man?" he would say. And from the kennel would come a tap-tap that told he was heard.

The writing was excellent, the views irreproachable, in that they exactly coincided with his own. He turned with anticipatory pleasure to the article next in order, when the sound of a light tap-tap came to the door, and Ruth appeared upon the threshold, blushing shyly.

She too was still; and her eyes, directed toward the sea, contemplative apparently but introspective in truth, divided in their deeps the blue of the heavens and the green of the sea. Presently a sound broke the hush. It came from a neat little brown shoe. Tap-tap, tap-tap. To the observer of infinite details, a foot is often more expressive than lips or eyes. Moods must find some outlet.

At other times, and this is a normal occurrence, the enemy are heard to one side or the other, and a small charge of powder is laid and his gallery is blown in, crushing his workers to death, or perhaps merely burying them to perish miserably by suffocation. To prevent this occurring men are kept in the ends of all the passages listening for the tap-tap of the picks that spells danger!

Good Indian, knowing well the easy custom of the country which makes smoking always permissible, rolled himself a cigarette while he waited for her to come back to his side of the room. He was just holding the match up and waiting for a clear blaze before setting his tobacco afire, when came a tap-tap of feet on the platform, and Evadna appeared in the half-open doorway.

The signal three double taps "tap-tap ... tap-tap ... tap-tap" given sharply, unmistakably, with a heavy cane or something of the kind. If the affair there were attended by luck, and managed quietly enough, you might continue and surprise the deck party, but let us not rely too far upon fair chances. There is a strong flavor of danger about the coup at best. I have reasons for helping you.