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I hope I do not disturb you, my dear friend," said Bonaparte, late one evening, putting his nose in at the cabin door, where the German and his son sat finishing their supper. It was now two months since he had been installed as schoolmaster in Tant Sannie's household, and he had grown mighty and more mighty day by day.

I can pretty well guess what kind of farce has been acted, knowing the dramatis persons. I thought that Boothby had been with you. Mrs. I hear no more of Eden, but my neighbour Keene's conjectures on his refusal, which are very vague, et tant soit peu malignes. I expect more satisfaction to-day from Williams: not that I want really any information about him.

"She's very sweet, isn't she?" said the countess of Madame Karenina. "Her husband put her with me, and I was delighted to have her. We've been talking all the way. And so you, I hear...vous filez le parfait amour. Tant mieux, mon cher, tant mieux." "I don't know what you are referring to, maman," he answered coldly. "Come, maman, let us go."

"The secret must be kept tant bien que mal," he had written, well knowing that it would be a good deal of an open secret. The engagement was publicly announced in May, 1857, and though, when first rumoured, it had been coldly looked on by the English public, now it was accepted with great cordiality.

J'aurais ete, en effet, fort heureux de pouvoir causer avec vous de toutes les graves questions qui se posent aujourd'hui devant nous, tant a l'interieur qu'a l'exterieur.

Oh, the ecstacy of that hour! The ecstacy of our first kiss! From that time on it was "mon petit mari" and "ma petite femme." The greatest joy in life for me, for us, was to sit together, holding each other's hands, and repeating from time to time, "J' t'aime tant, j' t'aime tant." Now and then we would vary it with a fugue upon our names "Hélène!" "Paul!" He laughed.

"Then lie still." "Well, Ize lost my dolly, an' I tant find her anywhere." "Well, I'll find her for you in the morning." "Oo oo ee I wants my dolly." "Well, I tell you I'll find her for you in the morning." "I want her NOW oo oo " "You can't have her now, so you can go to sleep." "Oh oo oo oo ee " Springing madly to my feet, I started for the offender's room.

Bonaparte was displeased. But then a happy thought occurred to him. He suggested that the key of the loft should henceforth be put into his own safe care and keeping no one gaining possession of it without his permission. To this Tant Sannie readily assented, and the two walked lovingly to the house to look for it. Bonaparte Blenkins was riding home on the grey mare.

"That boy Waldo," said Bonaparte, rubbing his toes, "took himself off coolly this morning as soon as the wagon came, and has not done a stiver of work all day. I'll not have that kind of thing now I'm master of this farm." The Hottentot maid translated. "Ah, I expect he's sorry that his father's dead," said Tant Sannie. "It's nature, you know. I cried the whole morning when my father died.

"But" he glanced about him again "give them to me, please, when Tant Mettie isn't looking." His nod was all mystery. "You may rely on my discretion," I replied, throwing the time-honoured prejudices of the profession to the winds, and well pleased to aid and abet the simple-minded soul in his nefarious designs against little Sannie's digestive apparatus. He patted me on the back.