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I ax your pardon just sit in the light of it for a minute or so; I want this candle." "'Am sayin', Andy, gin ye haud awa to the kitchen, it wadna be a crime to send up anither tankard o' that yill." To this the other made no reply, but walked out of the room, and very deliberately proceeded to that of Helen.

The stout old knight of Duplin, grown even a little stouter, with whiter beard to fringe an ever redder face, sits as of yore at the head of his own board. A well-heaped platter flanked by a foaming tankard stands before him.

A large wooden tankard, containing several measures of brandy, stood upon a table; the man who watched the bleaching-ground was placed as a kind of butler to preside at this sideboard. A bread-woman, with new white bread from Nyborg upon her barrow, wheeled into the court, and there established her stall for every one; for it was only liquors the guests received gratis.

Cross carried off the tankard, and returned, still muttering "Not bad beef, I should think not nor bad ale neither. Had the beef over from the old country." The stranger brought his fist with tremendous force upon the table, and roared "That's right, landlord; that's it; stick to that."

A large tankard of ale flanked his plate of victuals, to which he applied himself by intervals. The good woman of the house was employed in baking. The fire, as is usual in that country, was on a stone hearth, in the midst of an immensely large chimney, which had two seats extended beneath the vent.

They tell lies, black lies " Tammas is again half out his chair and, only forcibly restrained by the men on either hand. " and then they ha' na the courage to stan' by 'em. Ye're English, ivery man o' ye, to yer marrow." The little man's voice rises as he speaks. He seizes the tankard from the table at his side. "Englishmen!" he cries, waving it before him. "Here's a health!

Why, if quality will travel the road this way, incognito, how can they expect to be known and treated as quality? 'Tis no fault of mine. Why didn't you find out sooner who they were, Mr. Newington? What else, in the 'versal world have you to do, but to go basking about in the yards and places with your tankard in your hand, from morning till night?

Warrington was a younger son of Sir Miles Warrington of Suffolk. He had served with an uncle of his in India and in New South Wales, years ago. "Took a sheep-farm there, sir, made a fortune better thing than law or soldiering," Warrington said. "Think I shall go there too." And here the expected beer coming in, in a tankard with a glass bottom, Mr.

There was no one in the summer-house. Haward walked on to the grape arbor, and found there a black girl, who pointed to an open door, pertaining not to the small white house, but to that portion of the theatre which abutted upon the garden. Haward, passing a window of Mr. Stagg's domicile, was aware of Darden sitting within, much engaged with a great book and a tankard of sack.

"When I can talk," exclaimed Stevens, "when I can get over my amazement I thought at first it was my double, come to tell me something was wrong on the Island I'll ask you to come to Fraunces' Tavern and have a tankard of ale. It's healthier than swizzle." "That is an invitation, Neddy," cried Alexander, gaily. "Initiate me at once.