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Him whom she loved, her idiot boy. 'Davie's no sae silly as folk tak him for, Mr. Wauverley; he wadna hae brought you here unless he had kend ye was a friend to his Honour; indeed the very dogs kend ye, Mr. Wauverley, for ye was aye kind to beast and body. I can tell you a story o' Davie, wi' his Honour's leave.

She was just at the point when endurance is waiting for the last unendurable straw, when one morning Angus Raith called early, and asked permission to use the "Allan Campbell" for a day's fishing. "Tak' her and welcome," answered Janet Caird, promptly. "Aunt Janet, you hae nae right to lend what isna yours, nor ever like to be yours. David told you that plain as words could mak' it."

But after they were gone the tenement dwellers came up to the gate again, as they had gathered the evening before, and begged that they might just tak' a look at him and his braw collar. "The bonny bit is the bairns' ain doggie, an' the Laird Provost himsel' told 'em he wasna to be neglectet," was one mother's plea. Ah! that was very true.

"'There was a dochter, Leeby? he said. "'Ay, I said, 'she was ta'en first. "I saw 'im put up his hands to his face, an' he cried out, 'Leeby too! an' syne he kind o' fell agin the dyke. I never kent 'im nor nane o' his fowk, but I had heard aboot them, an' I saw 'at it would be the son frae London. It wasna for me to judge 'im, an' I said to 'im would he no come in by an' tak a rest.

I kenned ye wad come!" "Haud yer tongue, Annie. I mauna be kenned," said Malcolm. "There's nae danger. They'll tak' it for sweirin'," answered Annie, laughing and crying both at once. Out next came Blue Peter, his youngest child in his arms. "Eh, Peter man! I'm blythe to see ye," cried Malcolm. "Gie's a grup o' yer honest han'."

Burns to say on the subject? Eh?" "'Freedom and whisky gang thegither: tak aff your dram," stammered John. "A verra wise remark," said Gourlay gravely. "'Freedom and whisky gang thegither;" he turned the quotation on his tongue, as if he were savouring a tit-bit. "That's verra good," he approved. "You're a great admirer of Burns, I hear. Eh?" "Yes," said John. "Do what he bids ye, then.

Rob obeyed like a frightened dog, while Annie pursued her course to Howglen, as if her enemy had been still on her track. Rushing into the parlour, she fell on the floor before Mrs Forbes, unable to utter a word. The kitten sprung mewing out of her arms, and took refuge under the sofa. "Mem, mem," she gasped at length, "tak' care o' my kittlin'. They want to droon't. It's my ain.

"Hello, Tam anything exciting?" Tam waved his hand he never saluted. "Will ye gang an' tak' a look at me eenstruments?" he asked mysteriously. "Why, Tam?" "Will ye, sir-r?" Captain Blackie walked over to the machine and climbed up into the fuselage. What he saw made him gasp, and he came back to where Tam was standing, smug and self-conscious.

She thought of the fine shops in London, and the fine ready-made dresses she could buy with the very smallest of these bags of money. "Why should I no'? What's his is mine! I'll e'en tak the wee baggie, and gae till the fine shops," she said to herself. And selecting one of the fifty pound bags, she replaced the others in the satchel, and put the satchel in its hiding place.

He was for a' the world like a wee man in kilts. Weel, it turned out in this manner, as ye shall hear. Ae afternoon towards the glomin' I was oblegated to tak' a stap doun to the cross, wi' a web under my arm, which I had finished for Mr. Weft, the muslin manufacturer.