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One pint of cold minced fish, either salt cod or fresh fish; always doubling the amount of seasoning given if fresh is used. Melt in a frying-pan a tablespoonful of butter; stir in a heaping one of flour, and cook a minute; then add a pint of milk and a saltspoonful each of salt and pepper. When it boils, stir in the fish, and add two well-beaten eggs. Cook for a minute, and serve very hot.

Beef juice is often used as a source of iron for children and undoubtedly it is one which is palatable and digestible, but it takes a quarter of a pound of beef to get a few tablespoonfuls of juice, and a tablespoonful of juice would hardly contain as much iron as one egg yolk; and it seems probable that the iron of the egg yolk would be better utilized for the making of good red blood.

Clean and season a large fish with salt and pepper and let cook with 1 cup of vinegar, 1 large onion, 2 sprigs of parsley and 2 of thyme, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1/2 cup of raisins, a few cloves, 1 lemon sliced and 1 teaspoonful of prepared mustard. Let cook until done. Remove the fish; add 2 large pickles chopped and 1/4 cup of sugar, and thicken with the yolks of 2 eggs well beaten.

One cup of butter, one and a half cups of sugar, one-half cup of sour milk one level teaspoonful of soda, a teaspoonful of grated nutmeg Flour enough to roll; make quite soft. Put a tablespoonful of fine sugar on a plate and dip the tops of each as you cut them out. Place on buttered tins and bake in a quick oven a light brown.

Then apply the following wash and it will make you look younger: Put three drops of ammonia, a little borax, a tablespoonful of bay rum, and a few drops of camphor into warm water and apply to your face. Avoid getting it into your eyes. THE BEST COSMETIC. Squeeze the juice of a lemon into a pint of sweet milk. Wash the face with it every night and in the morning wash off with warm rain water.

Her attendance went on in the usual routine, with nothing to remark, bad or good; and then madame laid her fair head on the pillow, and took a tablespoonful of her calmant to check the palpitation that had come on, and to still her nerves, which that last look backward had somewhat disturbed. How beautiful she looked!

The mixture may also be formed into an oblong roast, greased, and baked on a tin. Serve with brown gravy or tomato sauce. Make a stiff mixture as for nut roast, add a tablespoonful savoury herbs if liked. Form into small, flat rissoles, roll them in white flour, and fry in deep fat or oil. Serve hot with gravy, or cold with salad.

Mix 1-1/2 cups of strong coffee with 1/2 cup of rich milk in a double boiler; add 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoonful of gelatin and a pinch of salt. Then stir in the yolks of 3 eggs beaten with 1/2 cup of sugar until it thickens. Remove from the fire; add the whites beaten to a froth and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Pack in a mold and freeze until hard and serve with whipped cream. Scotch Rarebit.

137. =Green Remolade.= One dessertspoonful each of chopped tarragon, chives, and sorrel, pounded in a mortar; add a saltspoonful of salt, half that quantity of mignonette pepper, one tablespoonful of mixed mustard, a gill of oil, and the raw yolks of three eggs; when pounded quite smooth, dilute it with a little vinegar, and strain it through a sieve.

Doctor Sarson nodded silently. He drew from his pocket a little phial and poured into a wine-glass which stood on a table by the side of the bed, half a dozen drops of some ruby-coloured liquid, to which he added a tablespoonful of water. Then he leaned once more over the bed and poured the contents of the glass between the lips of the semi-conscious man. "Give him two minutes," he said calmly.