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Mix 1 cup of cottage cheese with 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1/4 cup of sugar, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt and a few currants. Mix well. Fill the pie. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and bake until light brown. Serve hot or cold. Italian Veal Patés. Chop cooked veal with some onion, parsley, thyme and 1 clove of garlic; season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Add some chopped ham, lemon-juice and 2 eggs.

Time to bake until paste loosens from the dish. Line shallow tin dish with puff paste, put in the jam, roll out some of the paste, wet it lightly with the yolk of an egg beaten with a little milk, and a tablespoonful of powdered sugar. Cut it in narrow strips, then lay them across the tart, lay another strip around the edge, trim off outside, and bake in a quick oven.

"They know they'd 'ave to go a long way afore they'd find a place as 'ud come up to this." He finished the tablespoonful of beer in his mug and sat for so long with his head back and the inverted vessel on his face that the traveller, who at first thought it was the beginning of a conjuring trick, colored furiously, and asked permission to refill it.

Pour a tablespoonful of olive oil in an omelet pan and in this fry the peppers and onion to a light brown. When ready turn into this the beaten eggs, and cook until done. Follow the rule of never disturbing a cooking egg or a sleeping child. Serve on a hot dish. Take two cans of Chinese reed birds, open them and take therefrom the two dozen birds contained therein.

Take fresh beef-tongue; make an incision with a sharp knife and fill with chopped onions, bread-crumbs, a lump of butter, sage, thyme, salt and pepper. Sew up and let boil until nearly done. Remove the skin. Then stick cloves all over the tongue, and let cook until tender. Add 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar and 1 tablespoonful of butter.

Now beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add a tablespoonful of sugar to each egg and put over the top. Decorate the top with the largest berries saved out at the commencement. Raspberry charlotte may be made the same way. Whip one quart of rich cream to a stiff froth and drain well on a nice sieve.

When the bottom of the pan becomes covered with a pale, jelly-like substance, add the four quarts of cold water, and simmer very gently for five or six hours. As we have said before, do not let it boil quickly. When nearly cooked, throw in a tablespoonful of salt to assist the scum to rise.

Sweeten if desired. Very nourishing. EGG LEMONADE. White of one egg, one tablespoonful pulverized sugar, juice of one lemon and one goblet of water. Beat together. Very grateful in inflammation of of lungs, stomach or bowels.

For a pudding having a decided flavor of its own, a sauce without wine is preferable. Beat together the same proportions of butter and sugar as in the preceding receipt; add a tablespoonful of wine if desired; pile lightly on a pretty dish; grate nutmeg over the top, and set in a cold place till used.

Add a teaspoonful of onion juice, a half teaspoonful of salt and a saltspoonful of pepper. Strain and use. Rub together two level tablespoonfuls of flour and two of butter, with a tablespoonful of paprika. Add a half pint of chicken stock. Stir until boiling. Add a half teaspoonful of salt, and strain. This sauce may be used over chicken as well as eggs. Chop fine one onion.