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Miss Summers had several times to suffer the ordeal of debilitating interviews; and towards the end of the afternoon was exasperated to tears. Sally could tell this from the sniffs and nose-rubbings that became more and more frequent. Miss Summers's eye-rims were quite pink, and her funny eyes were moist. She looked more than ever like a disconsolate tabby, and her hands were restless and clumsy.

Now, however, it had evidently got its hand in, and was about to commence operations upon a more extensive scale. The Tabby Terror had begun. Where would it end? The general opinion was that something would have to be done about it. No one seemed to know exactly what to do. Montgomery spoke darkly of bricks, bits of string, and horse-ponds.

I searched everywhere till I was worn out, for I know what Delia is and was leaving the premises in full anticipation of being sent back again, when there was a loud commotion in the hall, just as if a dog had suddenly pounced on a cat, and the next moment a large tabby, with the head hewn away as Delia had described, rushed up to me and tried to spring on to my shoulders.

That is not the way it all happened and I was hot and dusty and sweat-drenched before I had been on my quest more than a few hours. Mother Elsie was not at home. The door to the Little House was wide open, as it always is when cold or rain does not close it, and huge old Tabby with one eye purred on the doorstep in the sun.

She was in a sort of little pocket, protected by the fortunate formation of the earth as it fell, yet almost suffocated, weak but conscious. Aunt Tabby rushed up as Joshua laid down the spade and lifted out Elaine. They were about to carry her into the house, when she cried weakly, but with all her remaining strength. "No no Dig! Craig Walter!" she managed to gasp. Rusty, too, was still at it.

Nursing Tabby was her chief consolation; and so kind was she, that the heart of the old cat softened to her, and she actually purred her thanks at last, for all the saucers of cream, bits of chicken, soft pats, and tender words bestowed upon her by the little girl. "Well, I declare!

I too got up and, laying the skein and the ball of wool on the window-sill, I went into the drawing-room and stood still, hesitating. In the middle of the room, a tabby kitten was lying with outstretched paws; Zinaida was on her knees before it, cautiously lifting up its little face.

In the open it crouches among dead leaves which have gathered in the fork of a tree, and will construct a web which spans the coconut avenue with its stays. From one aspect its rotund body invites a good-humoured smile, for the marking exactly simulates the features of a tabby cat, well fed, sleepy, and in placid mood.

'Does the parson live here? "Tabby. 'Yes. "Old Man. 'I wish to see him. "Tabby. 'He is poorly in bed. "Old Man. 'I have a message for him. "Tabby. 'Who from? "Old Man. 'From the Lord. "Tabby. 'Who? "Old Man. 'The Lord.

Perhaps it would make us lazy, selfish and unhappy. Perhaps we would go around giving it to other people to make them lazy, selfish and unhappy. O, the problem is not how to get money, but how to get rid of money with the least injury to the race! Perhaps getting the million would completely spoil us. Look at the wild cat and then look at the tabby cat.