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On reaching the little bay or harbour it was found much as they had left it, save that the rocks and bushes around were thickly covered with dust, and their boat was gone. "Strange! at such a time one would scarcely have expected thieves to come here," said the hermit, looking slowly round. "No t'ief bin here, massa," said Moses, looking over the side of the canoe. "I see de boat!"

As these men were not paraded, curiosity had already drawn them to the place, and they one and all, with the exception of him before mentioned, denied that any person had passed out. The individual in question acknowledged that Betty had gone by him, but pleaded his orders in justification. "You lie, you t'ief you lie!" shouted Betty, who had impatiently listened to his exculpation.

When the Frenchman began to talk again his teeth were chattering. "Why not? Hein? Because he t'ief. But God above! We got those proof! Dead for mont's. And Madeira know it! The Teegmores are yours for mont's, Mistaire Steering! And Madeira know it! We put that fine man where he belong. We jail him! He t'ief! We r-r-uin him, as he would r-r-uin you!" "Ruin him!"

One of the officers read aloud: "These certify, that if suffered to get free, it is by God's help alone, to whose divine aid I humbly riccommind myself. I'm forced to take the woman's clothes, but in her pocket is a ricompinse. Witness my hand Harvey Birch." "What!" roared Betty, "has the t'ief robbed a lone woman of her all!

Joe's face was pale, and he was trembling but not with fear. "T'ief!" the Frenchman taunted back. "You lie!" Joe had not been a boy among boys for nothing. He knew the penalty which attached itself to the words he had just spoken, and he expected to receive it.

I lef' new rope on de sled las' night on Lowville. Dis morning she's gone. Some t'ief." "We must get on somehow," said the Bishop, as he unbuckled part of the lashing from his bag and handed the strap to Arsene. "That will hold until we get to the first house where we can get the loan of a trace. We can walk behind. We're both stiff and cold. It will do us good. Is it far?"

"What is up, Jerry?" said Cameron in a low voice as the half-breed was untying the bundle. "Beeg row," whispered Jerry. "Eagle Feather t'ief." "All right, keep close." Quietly Cameron walked over to the group of excited Indians. As he approached they opened their circle to receive him. "My brother has discovered the thief," he said. "And after all a thief is easily found among honest men."

"Don't let Colonel Cavendish hear you," he cautioned. "Seriously now, he'd let Pierce go if he could; he told me so. He'll undoubtedly allow him the freedom of the Barracks, so he'll really be on parole until his trial." "Trial? You goin' try him again?" The woodsman could make little of the affair. "If you try him two tam, dose crook is mak' t'ief of Pierce for sure. One trial is plenty.

Reckon I'll touch the pony on the rib, hah! Hanging too good for him, white niggah t'ief, hah!" With that, the incensed negro made as if he would have driven the pony from under the luckless Ralph; but was prevented by his master, who, taking a second survey of the spectacle, motioned to the horror-struck females to retire, and prepared himself to follow them.

"All right, I'll keep quiet, Monty, but look alive and nab him quick, for I must be off." Thus urged the small policeman went on tiptoe to the table, made a sudden dive under it, and collared his little brother. The arrest, however, being far more prompt than had been expected, the "t'ief" refused to be captured.