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Prepare and study both transverse and longitudinal sections, making drawings. The sections should be prepared from bones that are thoroughly dry but which have not begun to decay. Cut it open and locate the cartilage, synovial membrane, and ligaments. Observe the shape and surface of the rubbing parts and the strength of the ligaments.

Arthritis is the term applied when not only the synovial membrane but the articular surfaces, and it may be also the ends of the bones, are involved, and it is necessary to prefix a qualifying adjective which indicates its nature. When effusion is present, it may be serous, as in arthritis deformans, or sero-fibrinous or purulent, as in certain forms of pyogenic and tuberculous arthritis.

The part is hot and swollen, the swelling assuming the shape of the distended synovial sac, fluctuation can usually be elicited, and the joint is held in the flexed position.

Each of the tendons is provided with synovial sheaths which are subject to inflammation and occasionally synovitis and distension of these synovial sheaths occur. Because of faulty conformation, some animals are subject to inflammation of these sheaths, and all forms of strenuous work which taxes the tendons greatly is apt to result in synovitis.

The effects on the joint vary in severity. In the milder forms, there is engorgement and infiltration of the synovial membrane, and an effusion into the cavity of the joint of serous fluid mixed with flakes of fibrin serous synovitis.

Distension of the Tarsal Joint Capsule. Etiology and Occurrence. Following strains from work in the harness or under the saddle, horses develop an acute synovitis of the hock joint, which often results in chronic synovial distension. Debilitating diseases favor the production of this affection in some animals.

A very delicate connective tissue, called the synovial membrane, lines the capsules of the joints, and covers the ligaments connected with them. It secretes the synovia, or joint oil, a thick and glairy fluid, like the white of a raw egg, which thoroughly lubricates the inner surfaces of the joints.

Jacob describes a pouch of skin resembling a tail which hung from the tip of the coccyx to the length of six inches. It was removed and was found to be thicker than the thumb, consisted of distinctly jointed portions with synovial capsules. Gosselin saw at his clinic a caudal appendix in an infant which measured about ten cm.

A synovial bursa is situated underneath the tendinous attachment of the posterior portion of the triceps brachii the long head or caput magnum. The function of the triceps as a whole is to flex the shoulder joint and extend the forearm. The triceps brachii is the chief antagonist of the biceps brachii. Etiology and Occurrence.

Streptococci invade the lymph spaces, and are associated with acute spreading conditions such as phlegmonous or erysipelatous inflammations and suppurations, lymphangitis and suppuration in lymph glands, and inflammation of serous and synovial membranes, also with a form of pneumonia which is prone to follow on severe operations in the mouth and throat.