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"To their absence in man many a life has been and will be sacrificed, to say nothing of the discomfort and distress occasioned by the engorgement known as piles, which the presence of valves in their veins would obviate." A noticeable departure from the rule obtaining in the vascular system of mammalia also occurs to the exposed situation of the femoral artery in man.

His sufferings were so acute that a minute examination of his injuries could not be made. For two or three days he lingered and then died, July 2d. An examination made after death revealed the fact that the fifth rib on the left side was fractured, the broken rib pressing on the lung, producing effusion and pulmonary engorgement.

The walls of the vessels and the surrounding tissues have lost their vitality; the vessels are extremely dilated, while exudation and infiltration have proceeded to an alarming extent. The process of engorgement is complete." "Do you consider his condition dangerous, doctor?" said Shock, breaking in upon the doctor's technical description.

It was not the face of an ordinary drunkard; although tremulous and sensitive from some artificial excitement, there was no ENGORGEMENT or congestion in the features or complexion, albeit they were morbid and unhealthy. The expression was of a suffering that was as much mental as physical, and yet in some vague way appeared unmeaning and unheroic.

The disease commences and is most intense in the marrow of the ossifying junction at one end of the diaphysis; it may commence at both ends simultaneously bipolar osteomyelitis; or, commencing at one end, may spread to the other. The changes observed are those of intense engorgement of the marrow, going on to greenish-yellow purulent infiltration.

There are a number of factors, such as fatigue, intense cold, or high sugar food like chocolate, which will cause an engorgement of the gland with blood and swelling of it. But they do not concern us now. Intense mental occupation, concentration as the popular term has it, acts as a patent excitor of the attack. Brain work drives more blood into the brain and the gland.

As the fish lives in the water, so a man lives only in the external medium which surrounds him, the sensations which he receives from it transforming themselves in him into impulses, thoughts, and acts; so that if there were absolute rest, if he continued to receive sensations without giving them out again, digested and transformed, an engorgement would result, a malaise, an inevitable loss of equilibrium.

From Pelusium to Syene, a waste, full of famine, mourners and dead men, and among these last thy Rameses! Meneptah did not permit him to finish. Purple with an engorgement of grief and fury, the monarch broke in, flailing the air with his arms. "Har-hat!" he cried. "Not I! Har-hat, who cozened me!" The voice rang through the royal inclosure, and the ministers came running. Foremost was Har-hat.

This has been frequently mentioned by authors as leading to enlargement of the uterus in the non-pregnant condition; and it is a still more potent factor in the recently impregnated organ, whose tissues are succulent and the vessels enlarged, a condition inviting congestion and enhancing the susceptibility to engorgement.

General relaxed condition of muscles; engorgement of cerebral and pulmonary vessels. Congestion of gastric mucous membrane. Treatment. Emetics, stimulants, hypodermic injection of 1/25 grain of strychnine. Warmth to the surface by hot bottles, hot blankets. Method of Extraction from the Stomach.