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Gouraud behaved as if he did not know the girl was near him. Sylvie noticed this apparent indifference and thought it extremely suspicious. Presently she undertook a grande misere in hearts, the pool being full of counters, besides containing twenty-seven sous.

Sylvie, agitated by the events of the day and her own indecision of mind, was not asleep; she heard the owl. "Ah, bird of ill-omen!" she thought. "Why, Pierrette is getting up! What is she after?" Hearing the attic window open softly, Sylvie rushed to her own window and heard the rustle of paper against her blinds.

During the removal, it was settled that they should go and stay with Mrs. Lowndes, at River Point. This practically resulted in Mrs. Argenter's remaining with her sister, while Sylvie and Sabina spent their time, night as well as day, often, between Argenter Place and the new house. Rodney Sherrett rode through the village one day, when they were busy there with their arrangements.

The difficulty had occurred to me already: and I had felt that perhaps there would be a slight awkwardness in introducing two such tiny friends into Society. "What size will you be?" I enquired. "We'd better come as common children," Sylvie thoughtfully replied. "That's the easiest size to manage." "Could you come to-day?" I said, thinking "then we could have you at the picnic!"

Then he threw the long reins over his arm, and took the horse by the bridle. The animal made a half parenthesis of himself, curving skittishly, and watching jealously, as he went by the frightsome pile. "You see it was as well not to risk it," Rodney said, as Sylvie came up with him beyond. "He would have had us down there among the blackberry vines. He's all right now. Will you get in?"

"The new paper will soon restore the colonel's rights, and make your salon more powerful in Provins than those of Tiphaine and company." "How so?" asked Sylvie.

The boards were rearranged, the rug laid evenly over them. Then the three stood staring at one another, listening helplessly to the nearing sounds. "Oh, Pete," Sylvie gasped, "tell me what I must do or what I ought to say." "Tell them," said Bella, "what Hugh told you that you are Pete's wife. They'll be looking for a different household from that, and it will help to put them off."

If I see much of him I shall probably sink into the Quartier Latin of love for there is a Quartier Latin as well as a high class Faubourg in the passion, I prefer the Faubourg I confess, because it is so high, and respectable, and clean, and grand but " "Sylvie," said Angela determinedly, "You must come away from Paris, -you must not see this man "

His voice, the most fascinating quality attached to his personality, rose and fell in this little speech with an exquisite cadence, half sad, half sweet, and Sylvie, impressionable creature as she was, with her innate love of romance and poetry, was unconsciously moved by it to a faint sigh.

There was too many bones in the Bruno began, but Sylvie frowned at him, and laid her finger on her lips, for, at this moment, the travelers were waited on by a very dignified officer, the Head-Growler, whose duty it was, first to conduct them to the King to bid him farewell and then to escort them to the boundary of Dogland.