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The Parson was walking reverently. There was about him something of the subdued air of the schoolboy going to interview a respected master. "Step quietly," he murmured. "We are going into the presence of a saint." In front of the cottage, about two hundred yards from it, a little knoll, shaded with sycamores, humped up out of the greensward.

Before him rose a white Westmoreland farm, with its gabled porch and moss-grown roof, its traditional yews and sycamores; while to his left, and above the farm, hung a mountain-face, dark with rock, and purple under the evening shadows a rich and noble shape, lost above in dim heights of cloud, and, below, cleft to the heart by one deep ghyll, whence the golden trees in the glittering green of May descended single or in groups, from shelf to shelf, till their separate brilliance was lost in the dense wood which girdled the white farmhouse.

The pony had its own way, though, along the rough track by the river, on past Master Rayburn's peaceful cottage, and away again, till at a bend of the stream the rider saw a cloud of smoke hanging over the ravens' cliff, and soon after caught sight of one corner of the castle, with the glorious beeches and sycamores low down, and birches high up, scorched and shrivelled; and now he saw through an alley burned by the flames driven downward by the wind that the beautiful old pile was reduced to a shell, in whose interior the smoke was still rising from a heap of smouldering wood.

Here we are in the woods," said Gerfaut, as he dropped the artist's arm and ceased limping; "they can no longer see us; the farce is played out. You know what I told you to say if you join them: you left me at the foot of a tree. You are forbidden to approach the sycamores, under penalty of receiving the shot from my gun in your moustache."

Down by the tank under the old sycamores we shall be quietest there." Under the dense shade of the centenarian trees was a rough-hewn bench that they themselves had made years before; there Gorgo seated herself, but her companion remained standing. "Yes!" he exclaimed. "Here here you must hear me! Here where we have been so happy together!" "So happy!" she echoed softly,

The farmer gave them all the watermelons they wanted to eat, and on the way home, when they lay resting under the sycamores on the river-bank, Solomon Whistler passed by in the middle of the road, silent, swift, straight onward.

Or again to wander, like a happy child of Asiatic climes in gardens of sycamores, where young sultanas bathe and disport themselves in basins of porphyry. The Bois de Boulogne is a charming place, no doubt, madam; but you will admit that it is inferior to the Valley of Roses, and that the painted and bedizened young women you see there will bear no comparison with my houris. What, then?

Usually the flooded bottoms are denuded of trees, save perhaps a narrow fringe along the bank, and a few dead trunks scattered here and there; while back, a third or a half-mile from the river, lies a dense line of forest, far beyond which rises the low rim of the basin. A trading-boat was moored just within the Saline, where we stopped for lunch under a clump of sycamores.

He was now in a grey flannel suit he must have jumped into it and altogether very much tidier.... Section 9 The long narrow table under the big sycamores between the house and the adapted barn that Mr. Direck learnt was used for "dancing and all that sort of thing," was covered with a blue linen diaper cloth, and that too surprised him.

"As for that, there is a park there containing avenues more than 3,000 feet long of cypresses, plane trees, and magnificent sycamores, and the shade is so thick it is almost dark in broad daylight. Think what it must be at night." "And then the queen is much occupied." "Occupied?" "Yes." "With whom, pray?" "With God, monsieur," said the priest. "With God?" "Yes, the queen is religious."