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Perhaps the last relic of such superstitions which lingered about our English kings was the notion that they could heal scrofula by their touch. The disease was accordingly known as the King's Evil. Queen Elizabeth often exercised this miraculous gift of healing. On Midsummer Day 1633, Charles the First cured a hundred patients at one swoop in the chapel royal at Holyrood.

It is with the bold and sweeping glance of the eagle that we must survey this island, until, the proper point discerned, we swoop with majestic flight upon our predestined goal!" Miss Browne was somewhat exhausted by this effort, and paused for breath, whereupon Mr. Tubbs, anxious to retrieve his recent blunder, seized with dexterity this opportunity. "I get you. Miss Browne, I get you," said Mr.

The Bishop had voted for the Church Temporalities' Bill in 1833, which at one swoop had suppressed ten Irish episcopates. This was a queer suffrage for the apostle of the second Reformation.

But in a few days they found him gone one morning, after their return from mass at Barclay Street Church, and with him the canvas bag, containing the thousand pounds in gold and Bank of England notes left by them in a trunk. Thus were six persons, strangers and destitute in a great city, reduced from competency to poverty at "one fell swoop" by the villany of a pretended friend and associate.

We are scarce sure we even saw her. There was but the swoop of wings." "Why, Renot, my lad," insisted Edelwald, "we could see her white swan now in this noon of moonlight, if she were abroad. Besides, D'Aulnay has sentinels stationed around this height. They will check her." "They will check the wind across Fundy Bay first," said the other man.

Nothing can be sadder than when, at carnival time in Rome, the impressarii have been unfortunate in their composers when the primo tenore of the Argentina has left his voice on the road when the primo uomo da donna in the Teatro Valle is down with the influenza in short, when the chief pleasures to which the Romans have been looking forward have proved disappointments, and Giovedi Grasso has been shorn, at one fell swoop, of all the hoped-for flowers which were expected to come at that time into blossom.

The Prince of Conde was for taking up arms at once and swoop down upon the Guises, taking them by surprise.

One went up with a swoop, to come down with a bang on the rocks, thus knocking itself into a hundred pieces. "Mine cracious, look at dot!" burst out Hans Mueller. "Mine Gretchen kite vos busted up und I spent me feefteen cents on him alreety!" and a roar went up. "Never mind, Hans," said Dick. "You can help sail the Katydid. She will pull strong enough for two, I am sure."

Durkin said, "and will close in when I give the signal, which will be two shots fired. I heard just before I came here that there are some new arrivals at the camp." "Maybe those are the men I overheard talking in the office building," suggested Tom. "They probably came to get their share. Well, we must swoop down on them before they have time to distribute the money."

She was dressed with exceeding smartness and wore several bangle bracelets that glittered and rattled and tinkled with every movement of her hands. Matthew was covered with confusion at finding her there at all; and those bangles completely wrecked his wits at one fell swoop. "What can I do for you this evening. Mr. Cuthbert?"