United States or Paraguay ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

As the three kept their secret from the world, the discovery was accepted in the neighborhood as the result of careful examination and prospecting on the part of Colonel Swinger and his partner Larry Hawkins. And when the latter gentleman afterwards boldly proposed to Polly Swinger, she mischievously declared that she accepted him only that the secret might not go "out of the family."

"No indeed, B ," protested the trembling F . "Ah, well, I'm certain that you are now thinking it; and, besides, at any rate, you look fat and disgusting; so hold down your hands;" and poor F retired howling after a tremendous "swinger" i.e. swinging box on the ear. The school was divided into six forms, the sixth being the highest.

The hostess was not a little perplexed by the document, and Emily observed, with terror, that she wavered in her purpose. "It is a gross forgery!" exclaimed Emily, with a glance of earnest pleading, which the rough but kind-hearted woman could not resist. "I don't care nothin' about your bill of sale! The gal is safe," said Mrs. Swinger, with emphasis.

It is also called Lamb's Wool, and is celebrated by Herrick in his "Twelfth Night": Next crowne the bowle full With gentle Lamb's Wool; Add sugar, nutmeg, and ginger, With store of ale too, And thus ye must doe To make the Wassaile a swinger. The old gentleman's whole countenance beamed with a serene look of indwelling delight as he stirred this mighty bowl.

Nor was this the only circumstance that filled the head of that shiftless loyal retainer of the colonel with bitterness and foreboding. Polly Swinger the scornfully indifferent, the contemptuously inaccessible, the coldly capricious and petulant was inclined to be polite to the stranger!

This of itself argued the swinger a person of privilege and consequence, for caddies on those links were strictly forbidden by the Lady of the Manor. Why they were forbidden she alone knew. As we approached the tee the player turned to look at us. He was not a Mayberryite and yet there was something familiar in his appearance.

Moreau speaks of a young soldier in a foreign country and army who fell into a most profound melancholy when, by accident, he heard his native tongue. According to Swinger and Sauvages women are less subject to nostalgia than men. Nostalgia has been frequently recorded in hospital wards.

On the afternoon before the caucus, Senator Hanway took a last look at the array. Besides Mr. Hawke and Mr. Frost, there were two other candidates, Mr. Patch and Mr. Swinger. These latter had been sent into the lists by the diplomacy of Senator Hanway to hold the delegations from their States, a majority whereof, if released, would fly to Mr. Hawke. With all four names before the caucus, Mr.

Colonel Swinger was sitting in a wicker-work rocking-chair on the veranda of his hotel sipping a mint julep which he held in his hand, while he gazed into the dusty distance. Nothing could have convinced him that he was not performing a serious part of his duty as hotel-keeper in this attitude, even though there were no travelers expected, and the road at this hour of the day was deserted.

"Thank you, I will. But poor Mrs. Swinger!" and a shade of anxiety crossed her features, as she thought of leaving her kind hostess in affliction. "Her husband is a good nurse, and understands her case better than you do. If I mistake not, your services will be full as acceptable at my cottage." Dr. Vaudelier tried to smile at this sally; but the effort was too much for him, and he sank under it.