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As the church-bell stopped the swing-door opened, and Boulou hurried in, like a great personage, conscious that others have waited, and bearing with him an aroma of Irish stew and onions, which showed that he had been exchanging affabilities with the cook. For the truth must be owned. No spinster over forty could look unmoved on Boulou.

He nosed inquisitively and audaciously about anarchists' cellars and lodging-houses; he found saloons where for a nickel very palatable lamb stew could be purchased; he located those swing-door corners where the most munificent free lunches were on display; he dipped into halls where Socialistic fire-eaters nightly stilettoed modern civilization; he invaded ginmills where strange and barbaric sailors foregathered and talked.

Nobody took any interest, and he turned on his heel, pushed the swing-door open, and departed. Then Donovan came in, closely followed by Bevan. Peter got up and made towards them. "Hullo!" said Bevan. "Have an appetiser, padre. Lunch will be on in twenty minutes. What's yours, skipper?" The three of them moved on to Peter's chair, and Bevan dragged up another.

Anthea had long ceased to watch the swing-door that always let out the wrong person, and she was herself almost asleep, and still the others did not come back. It was quite a start when Anthea suddenly realized that they HAD come back, and that they were not alone. Behind them was quite a crowd of men in uniform, and several gentlemen were there. Everyone seemed very angry.

He took the bag money clinking inside it and slipped up the gangway with it. He was just in time to catch them at the swing-door, and he received a pretty smile from the German girl and a fine bow from her cavalier. He returned to his seat upsides with the world.

Franklin; "but, if the girl IS concerned in the loss of the Diamond, I do really believe she was on the point of confessing everything to me, of all the people in the world not two minutes since." Looking towards the swing-door, as he said those last words, I fancied I saw it opened a little way from the inner side. Was there anybody listening? The door fell to, before I could get to it.

She had the right to know. She hurried on down Sloane Street till she came to Bosinney's number. Passing the swing-door at the bottom, she ran up the stairs, her heart thumping painfully. At the top of the third flight she paused for breath, and holding on to the bannisters, stood listening. No sound came from above. With a very white face she mounted the last flight.

Two men had for a moment been deceived like myself: neither glass nor mirror was there only the frame from which a swing-door had been removed. They walked each into the arms of the other, whom they had at first each taken for himself.

A newsboy thrust open the swing-door, yelling: "Bond Street murder! A fresh development. Late speshul!" "Oh!" cried Mollie Gretna to her companion, "get me a paper. Be quick! I am so excited!" Kerry took up a pen, and in large bold hand-writing inscribed the following across two pages of the visitors' book: "Chief Inspector Kerry. Criminal Investigation Department."

"News!" What a world lies in that word. In Kearney Street he stood before the door of Wannamaker's office collecting himself and watching the crowd drifting by, then he entered and went up the stairs. He pushed open a swing-door and entered a great room.