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Tell on him and have him chucked overboard from one church after another until he gets discouraged and takes to swindlin' again?" Rachel Ellis could not see it that way. "If he was a saved sinner," she declared, "and repentant of his sins, then he'd ought to repent 'em out loud.

Figgered a swindler wouldn't never suspect nobody of swindlin' him with one of his own tricks. This here Mr. Baxter, or Mr. Bowman, or whatever his name is, used to make a livin' sellin' gold bricks. When I found that there fact out I jest calc'lated he was ripe to do a mite of gold-brick buyin' himself.... Which he done." "Scattergood," said Grandmother Penny, "I'm a-goin' to kiss you."

"In here, young gentlemen," said a black-whiskered individual, who appeared suddenly on the scene. "Walk in." "Shall we go in, Dick?" "It's a swindlin' shop," said Dick, in a low voice. "I've been there. That man's a regular cheat. He's seen me before, but he don't know me coz of my clothes." "Step in and see the articles," said the man, persuasively. "You needn't buy, you know."

But as for that lily-livered sneak that poor lyin' swindlin' cringin' cur of a Clavering who stands in my shoes stands in my shoes, hang him! I'll make him pull my boots off and clean 'em, I will. Ha, ha!" Here he burst out into a wild laugh, at which Strong got up and put away the brandy-bottle. The other still laughed good-humouredly.

I kept the young lawyer up one night till 12 o'clock listenin to a lot of acts in regard to a drawbridge away orf in the east part of the State, havin' sent my daughter to bed at half-past 8. He hasn't bin there since, and I understan' he says I go round swindlin' the Public. I never attempted to reorganize my wife but onct. I shall never attempt agin.

It was to Miss Hoag that he continued his attentions. "You miserable, swindlin' make-believe!" he growled, his voice shaking with emotion. "You you come here and and pretend Oh, by The Almighty, if you was a man, if you wasn't the the poor, pitiful fool that you be, I'd I'd " His daughter had reached his side. "Father," she begged. "Father, for my sake " "Be still!

You are in no condition, this morning, to talk with a gentleman. However, you are my guest. Have a cigar?" The horseman's eyes twinkled. He admired the young Easterner's coolness. Not so the constable. "See here, you swindlin' tin-horn shell-shover, you cough up where Overland Red is or there'll be somethin' doin'. You doped that booze yesterday, but you can't throw no bluff like that to-day."

It was vain for Simmons to hint as hint he did that he shouldn't like her to overwork herself, tailoring being bad for the eyes, and there was a new tailor's in the Mile End Road, very cheap, where . . . "Ho yus," she retorted, "you're very consid'rit I dessay sittin' there actin' a livin' lie before your own wife Thomas Simmons as though I couldn't see through you like a book a lot you care about overworkin' me as long as your turn's served throwin' away money like dirt in the street on a lot o' swindlin' tailors an' me workin' and' slavin' 'ere to save a 'a'penny an' this is my return for it any one 'ud think you could pick up money in the 'orse-road an' I b'lieve I'd be thought better of if I laid in bed all day like some would that I do."

"He's a swindler, ma'am; no doubt of it, and you'll never be safe till you have some one to protect you that understands swindlin' and imposition. Well, ma'am well, my dear ma'am, what next?"

But I do say that if the white folks of the South can't stand up to a fair fight with the niggers at the polls, without cuttin', and murderin', and burnin', and shootin', and whippin', and Ku Kluxin', and cheatin', and swindlin', they are a damned no-'count people, and don't deserve no sort of show in the world no more than a mean, sneakin', venomous moccasin-snake there!"