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I've seen for weeks past that Nan was overworkin' with all that cooking she's been doin', and to-day she just gave out an' she's flat on her back now." Theodore was silent in blank dismay. Until that moment he had not realised how much he had come to depend upon Nan. "Has she had a doctor, or anything?" he asked, in such a troubled voice that Mrs. Hunt could not but be sorry for him.

Noland told Hepsie he was agoin' t' leave his share of th' land to Lizzie, 'cause Doc Morgan says She'll never be strong again after overworkin' for all them men, an' things. An' she says he felt awful bad 'cause he was a layin' there sick so long an' her a havin' t' do for 'im when she wasn't able an' do you know, she thinks that's why he killed hisself? I always did like 'im.

It was vain for Simmons to hint as hint he did that he shouldn't like her to overwork herself, tailoring being bad for the eyes, and there was a new tailor's in the Mile End Road, very cheap, where . . . "Ho yus," she retorted, "you're very consid'rit I dessay sittin' there actin' a livin' lie before your own wife Thomas Simmons as though I couldn't see through you like a book a lot you care about overworkin' me as long as your turn's served throwin' away money like dirt in the street on a lot o' swindlin' tailors an' me workin' and' slavin' 'ere to save a 'a'penny an' this is my return for it any one 'ud think you could pick up money in the 'orse-road an' I b'lieve I'd be thought better of if I laid in bed all day like some would that I do."

'You look pale, said one of a group to her one day. 'You're overworkin' yerself, you are, said another. 'Married life don't agree with Liza, thet's wot it is, added a third. ''Oo d'yer think yer gettin' at? I ain't married, an' never like ter be, she answered. 'Liza 'as all the pleasures of a 'usband an' none of the trouble. 'Bli'me if I know wot yer mean! said Liza.