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Jilkins sittin' on a stump pickin' parasol out o' himself 'n' swearin' in a way 's Mrs. Macy hopes to be spared hereafter. While she was jus' bridge side o' him, Mrs. Jilkins come scramblin' up out o' the ditch madder 'n sixty-five hornets. Seems she 'd got most to the top twice, 'n' it was so slippery 't she'd slid clean back to the bottom again. Mrs.

It's them, it's them, she exclaimed 'I hear their horses' feet, I hear them cursin' and swearin' but no matther, I'm not to be frightened. Amn't I Hugh Roe's wife? Isn't here God on my side, an' are ye a match for him. Here here's my breast, my heart, and through that you must go before you touch him.

I took up the fiddle, and begun. But I hadn't more'n drew a note before I laid it down and put for the door. 'Dick, you keep shop, says I. And I harnessed up, and drove like the devil." Amelia felt warm with life and hope; she was taking up her youth just where the story ended. "You ain't stopped swearin' yet!" she remarked, with a little excited laugh.

Oh, Zelotes, how many times have I told you you've got to treat her tactful when she's this way?" Captain Lote put the egg back in the bowl. "DAMN!" he observed, with intense enthusiasm. His wife shook her head. "Swearin' don't help it a mite, either," she declared. "Besides I don't know what Albert here must think of you."

Let us look at them rip-roarin orators in New York, who've bin tearin round for up'ards a year, swearin Ireland shall be free. "There's two parties O'McMahoneys and McO'Roberts.

"Can't I have something to chew at?" "Sure. How'll a cracker soaked in milk soot?" "Cracker!" snarled Ravenslee. "Doctor's orders!" Ravenslee muttered and took up his book. "Helen who, did you say?" enquired Mrs. Trapes, glancing up. "Mr. Geoffrey I mean Ravenslee, I'm surprised at you swearin' ain't good for a invalid; your temperature'll be rose if you swear." "But, my dear Mrs.

Afther we had shtopped at a station where they tuk tickets we wint ahead again, an' prisintly, as we rips through some udther station, up jumps the jintleman opposite, swearin' hard undher his tongue, an' looks out at the windy. 'I thought this train shtopped here, sez he." "Chalk Farm," observed Hewitt, with a nod. "The name I do not know, sor, but that's fwhat he said.

I been tellin' him about it. Bobby says dot odder man skipped an' you don't got nobody now. "Skipped! I threw him out, me and John, for swearin' every time he stubbed his toe on the stairs," and up went her strong arms in illustration. "And it isn't yer trunks, but me room. Who might ye be wantin' it for?" She had begun to weigh him carefully in return.

And politics are dangerous to enter into. There is bad folks in Jonesville 'lection day, bad men, and bad women. And I am liable to be led astray. I don't want to be led astray, but I feel that I am liable to. I have to hear swearin'. Now, I don't swear myself. Twice I thought of 'em right in prayer-meetin' time, and it worrys me. I have to see drinkin' goin' on.

"I've heard tell of Belle Lorrigan drivin' hell-whoopin' over the country with a team of bronks, but I kinda thought they was stretching the truth. I guess not, though, if that's a sample." "The woman hersel' is no so bad. 'Tis the men folk that are black wi' sin. Drinkin', swearin', gamblin' thieves they be, and 'tis well they should be taught a lesson." The Douglas head wagged self-righteously.