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One of the greatest expounders of the BHAGAVAD GITA, Swami Maharaj was a great disciple of Yogiraj Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya of Benares. It was Sri Yukteswarji's prophetic powers and deep realization that inspired Swami Yogananda to cross the oceans and spread in America the message of the masters of India.

If Walt Whitman or Swami Vivekananda overlook the difference between virtue and vice, and do honour to the courtesan, it simply means that they are bad thinkers, bad observers. The deeper minds see more clearly and escape the confusion into which the slight and quick, the sentimental, hurl themselves.

This verse shows that during the Vedic period the remarriage of widows was allowed. Besides, in several places in the ancient books, pointed out to us by Swami Dayanand, we found orders to the widows "to keep the ashes of the husband for several months after his death and to perform over them certain final rituals."

"Ha, ha! I wonder what the Swami thinks of his earnest effort to expound the Karmic law." It was beyond me. With the Swami's concoction still shooting thoughts like sky rockets through my brain I gave it up and allowed Kennedy to engineer our next excursion into the occult. One more seer remained to be visited.

Early stared in amazement at the unmoved face before him, a face almost as round and mystifying as the syllable "Om", on which its thoughts were supposed to be centered. "And, remember, I, too, dislike the young man Percival," pursued the Swami blandly. Mr. Early's mind suddenly stiffened with horror. "See here," he exclaimed, sitting up, "you understand Mr. Percival is no enemy of mine.

I had almost come to the conclusion that our mission had been a failure when the swami concluded and the visitors swarmed forward to talk with the holy man from the East. Kennedy managed to make his way about the circle to Mrs. Rogers and soon was in an animated conversation.

Yet Shankara, the ancient founder of the Swami Order, disregarded the injunctions. At the death of his beloved mother, he cremated her body with heavenly fire which he caused to spurt from his upraised hand. Sri Yukteswar also ignored the restrictions, in a fashion less spectacular.

When he stepped back and closed the door, there stood beside him another man, clean-shaven, lean, sharp-nosed and ferret-eyed, whose footstep was almost as light as that of the Swami himself. Neither of them spoke until they reached the smaller room and the door was locked. "You shiver, my friend," said Ram Juna. "The night is cold." "Freezin', an' so'm I," said the other shortly.

"We sit together in long white robes, such as you see on me, and we pour out love upon the universe." "Oh!" said Mr. Murdock. He was too astonished to pursue his investigations. "It is a serene and blessed occupation," said the Swami. "And do they does the class pay for that?" Murdock recovered so far as to ask. "Pay? Not so!" said the Swami indignantly.

If Christ returned to earth and walked the streets of New York, displaying his divine powers, it would cause the same excitement that was created by Trailanga decades ago as he passed through the crowded lanes of Benares. On many occasions the swami was seen to drink, with no ill effect, the most deadly poisons.