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She comin' back, she say dis evenin'. She sutt'nly act very queer, sah." "All right," I snapped. "It's one of my clients." "Um-um," he said, shaking his head. "I spec she ain't, Mr. Estabrook, sah. She mos' likely has pussonal business, sah!"

I've a cheque I want cashed at Climo and Hodges for a biggish sum: but you'm a man I can trust to bring back the money safe." "Sutt'nly," said Long Oliver. Geake went into the house and wrote a short letter to the bankers. He asked them to send back by messenger, and in return for cheque enclosed, the sum of twenty-five pounds, in five new five-pound notes.

An' Massa Jack he was a captain; he rode on hossback, an' Lawdy, but he did look scrumptuous when he first got his uniform. He done fought all through de wah, an' dey say Ginral Lee done shook hands wid him, an' said how proud he was ter know him. You kin sutt'nly tie to Massa Jack, Missus." The negro's voice had scarcely ceased when Keith came in again, closing the door securely behind him.

Back in Ardevora I can make between seventy and eighty pounds a year at that game easy." Bosistow scratched his head. "You've been making the most of your time. Now I've been busy in my way, too, but seemin' to me the only trade I've learned is prison-breakin'. Not much to keep a wife on, as you say. Still, a bargain's a bargain." "Oh, sutt'nly," says Abe; "that is if your conscience allows it."

He sho' told dat black debble 'bout what he thought ob him, but he didn't nebber once call him Hawley no, sah, not once; he done call him Bartlett, or somet'ing or odder like dat. But he sutt'nly read dat man's pedigree from way back to de time ob de flood, I reck'n. An' he done swore he'd fight for whatebber it was, papers or no papers.

I sho' didn't want Mister Hawley to git no chance at dis nigger I sho' didn't." "Did they speak to one another?" Keith asked, anxiously. "Did you hear what was said?" "Sho' dey talked, Massa Jack. I sorter reckon dey was dar for dat special purpose. Sutt'nly, sah, dey went right at talkin' like dey hed som't'ing on dey minds.

"Oh, de good Lawd!" and the negro threw up his hands dramatically. "Dat sutt'nly am my outfit! Dat am Massa Waite an' John Sibley." "You mean the same men with whom you came here from Independence?" Neb nodded, overcome by the discovery. "But what caused them to run such a risk?" Keith insisted. "Didn't they know the Indians were on the war path?"

"Dat chile sutt'nly do lub Miss Rena, an' dat's a fac', sho 's you bawn," remarked 'Lissa the cook to Mimy the nurse one day. "You'll get yo' nose put out er j'int, ef you don't min'." "I ain't frettin', honey," laughed the nurse good-naturedly. She was not at all jealous. She had the same wages as before, and her labors were materially lightened by the aunt's attention to the child.

"Sutt'nly, Madam, sutt'nly," replied he, using a form of address which he adopted the first time she appeared as Bill's representative in the business, and which he never cheapened by use elsewhere. "Those bonds ah debentures, which " "But what are debentures, Captain?" she inquired. "Pahdon me, my deah lady," said he, "fo' not explaining that at fuhst!

Even Neb must have been obsessed by a similar spirit, for he suddenly observed: "Dat am sutt'nly a mighty fine gal, Massa Jack. I ain't seen nothin' to compare wid her since I quit ol' Virginia 'deed I ain't." Keith glanced back at his black satellite, barely able to distinguish the fellow's dim outlines.