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To Kipling even the most suspected and suspicious of classes, the religious mendicants, would open their mouths freely.

About the third lap some of the gents from the private dinin'-room pokes their heads out to see what's happened to the guest of the evenin'. They saw, all right! They must have been suspicious, too; for they were lookin' anxious, and begun signaling him to break away. The Baron didn't have no time for watchin' signals just then. He was busy tryin' to keep his feet on the floor.

There was a break in his voice, as if for a moment he recalled innocent days when but he brushed away this weakness with his hook. Smee, much impressed, gazed at the bird as the nest was borne past, but the more suspicious Starkey said, 'If she is a mother, perhaps she is hanging about here to help Peter. Hook winced. 'Ay, he said, 'that is the fear that haunts me.

I desire also to know that which is called Destructible and That into which this universe enters when destroyed. Indeed, what is That which is said to be indestructible, suspicious, beneficial and free from evil of every kind? ""Vasishtha said, 'Hear, O lord of Earth, as to how this universe is destroyed, and, of That which was never destroyed and which will never be destroyed at any time.

"I am not mistaken," said Gallagher, who was beginning to feel suspicious about the priest's evident desire to shelve the subject. "And anyway," said Father McCormack, "it's Dr. O'Grady himself that you'd better be speaking to about the tune." "I will speak to him; but he's not here presently." "Try Doyle then," said Father McCormack. "There he is coming out of the hotel.

Some of it was speedily collected, and they had succeeded in setting one boat in a blaze when, from the suspicious bushes, there came a rattling shower of bullets, and directly afterwards some fifty savages, with creeses in their hands, dashed out towards them.

If gentlemen can assign no good reason for the measure, they will not support it, when they are told that it will create great jealousies and alarm in the Southern States; for I can assure them, that there is no point on which they are more jealous and suspicious, than on a business with which they think the government has nothing to do.

I'd like to get back without being seen by any one else." "What's up?" "Don't keep me," said Bert nervously. "What were you doing in this room?" asked Dick, becoming suspicious. "I forgot that Holmes was away and came to see him." "When you found the room dark did you still think Greg was here?" "Don't keep me now. You don't want to see me skinned, do you?" "What were you doing by the fireplace?"

As I was perambulating slowly the border of Loch Ness I met a tall, gaunt-looking man, who eyed me rather suspiciously, and stretched forth his hands in the attitude of one interrupting a stray sheep. I looked at the being in my turn, and began to be a little suspicious of his purpose, and to think of my dirk. The man approached nearer still in the attitude of making a spring.

"Of course I can't say that Sayles and Nichols are not rebels; but they have done nothing that is suspicious, and one of our men has pumped them both," answered Ralph. "Have them closely watched, or they may play us some trick when we least suspect it, and in some critical moment," said the commander. "But I wished to see you in regard to the prisoners," interposed Mr. Flint.