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But I say, Mattie, you don't want nobody arter you do you now? Mat. I don't know what you mean by that, Bill. Bill. You don't want a father do you now? Do she, Susan? Sus. We want no father a hectorin' here, Bill. You 'ain't seen one about, have you? Bill. I seen a rig'lar swell arter Mattie, anyhow. Mat. What do you mean, Bill? Bill.

Here, Bill! I'll take his head you take his feet. We'll carry him between us like a feather. Mat. O Susan! do hold your tongue. Sus. It's my only weapon, my dear. If I was a man see if I'd talk then. James. It's a providence you ain't a man, young woman! Sus. Right you are! Them's my werry motives. I ain't a makin' of no complaint on that score, young Plush!

If the few Europeans who visit the city are free to wander unchallenged, unmolested through its every street, let them thank the missionaries; if the news that men from the West are straight-dealing, honourable, and slaves to truth, has gone from the villages on the hither side of Atlas down to the far cities of the Sus, let the missionaries be praised.

No, Sue; he'd hate me, and I couldn't bear that. Oh me! my side! It's so bad! Sus. Let's try for home, Mattie. It's a long way, and there's nothing to eat when you're there; but you can lie down, and that's everything to them as can't sit up. Mat. I keep fancying I'm going to meet my father. Sus. Let's fancy it then every turn all the way home, an' that'll get us along. There, take my arm. There!

Witness ourself at Westminster, the 5th July, in the 27th year of our reign. Narrative. Upon an incorporation granted to the company of Barbary merchants resident in London, I Henry Roberts, one of her majesties sworn esquires of her person, was appointed messenger and agent from her highness unto Mulley Hamet Sheriffe, emperor of Morocco and king of Fez and Sus.

That same night I presented him with a case of combs , and requested his majesty to give orders for the lading of the ships back again, as I found there was very little saltpetre in the hands of John Bampton. He answered that I should have all the aid in his power, as he expected there was some store in his house at Sus, and that the mountaineers had much in readiness.

A cord for ever against fifty fathom of water, though not in the sense of the base proverb a fico for the phrase, better sus. per funem, than sus. per coll."

My first impulse was to retire, silently and modestly, but the power of a strange fascination for a moment prevented me. Was it a dream? "Ah! que barbara! pobrecito ito ito!" "Comeremos." "Por Dios! no! echalo, Luz, o tirare la agua en sus ojos." "Guarda te!"

It is a perplexing case, for Nathusius says the skull of the Aru resembles that of the Chinese breed, and he thinks that Sus papuensis has been founded on a young skull; D. Blainville stating that an old skull from New Guinea resembles that of the wild pigs of Malabar, and these belong to the S. scrofa type, which is different from the Chinese domestic breed.

We managed to buy two mules: one was from the Sus, with a backbone like a sword-fish and every rib showing, but he was as hard as nails, and would pace along all day without any trouble; the other was a lazy beast, fat and older; but they both of them proved useful animals, answering our purpose for the time being. We meant to sell, when we left the country: hiring is expensive work.