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Ogan 'feels it to be such a beautiful dispensation, my dear, that, owing to a death that very morning in the surgical ward, we happened to have a bed ready for the poor man within three hours of the accident." She had exchanged her deep throat-tones for a high reedy note which perfectly simulated the matron's lady-like inflections.

"Sure, there's a human!" cried Larry, as they turned a projecting point, about an hour and a half later, and came in sight of Ah-wow's "lo-cation," as the Yankees termed it. "It may be a human," remarked Ned, laughing, "but it's the most inhuman one I ever saw. I think yonder fellow must be performing a surgical operation on the Chinaman's head."

In Keating's Cyclopedia of the Diseases of Children, Dr. John B. Deaver of Philadelphia makes the following statements: "Appendicitis, whether acute or chronic, is essentially a surgical affection, and should be placed at once under the care of a skillful surgeon.

They might be afflicted with diseases which would have the most terrible after-effects upon their whole lives and upon their families diseases which cause tens of thousands of surgical operations upon women, and a large percentage of blindness and idiocy in children and you might hear them confidently express the opinion that these diseases were no worse than a bad cold!

It is a surgical operation that must be borne. I shall not make it necessary again, I hope. Now, dear Corydon, I am not trying to choose pleasant words in this letter, this is the way I talk to myself. And if anything good comes from our love, it will be because of this letter. I challenge what is noblest in you to rise to meet the truth of it.

In the London Medical and Surgical Journal, 1831, are reported cases at eighty and ninety-five years. In Good's System of Nosology there are instances occurring at seventy-one, eighty, and ninety years. There was a woman in Italy whose menstrual function continued from twenty-four to ninety years.

She will speak to you better than I! But first we must perform a little surgical operation!" And with that he whipped out a bandanna handkerchief, which had been knotted and thrust into her mouth in the manner of a gag. "Now then," he said, "put a pistol to her head, Evans! Now, Kate, you have told many lies about your master, the late Governor of the fortress of Dinant.

Not until he saw M. d'Escorval installed in Poignot's house did he breathe freely. The fact that the baron had been able to endure the journey, proved that in this poor maimed body remained a power of vitality for which the priest had not dared to hope. Some way must now be discovered to procure the surgical instruments and the remedies which the condition of the wounded man demanded.

Sol Greening and her bony daughter-in-law, who claimed the office of ministrants on the ground of priority above all the gasping, sympathetic, and exclaiming females who had arrived after them. Ollie was pale and exhausted in appearance, her face drawn and bloodless, like that of one who wakes out of an anesthetic after a surgical operation upon some vital part.

The use of styptics may be called for. Wet-cupping has almost entirely been superseded by the use of Klapp's suction bells. It is seldom used in the treatment of surgical forms of inflammation. Counter-irritants. In deep-seated inflammations, counter-irritants are sometimes employed in the form of mustard leaves or blisters, according to the degree of irritation required.