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Richie, starting back, attempted to rise, but was held down by Lowestoffe, while Sir Mungo, guiding the royal weapon, the honour-bestowing blow was given and received: "Surge, carnifex Rise up, Sir Richard Moniplies, of Castle-Collop! -And, my lords and lieges, let us all to our dinner, for the cock-a- leekie is cooling."

Hang on to the girl, so if we go you can go together.... And, pard, if you've a God pray!" Nas Ta Bega faced the bend from whence that rumble came, and he was the same dark, inscrutable, impassive Indian as of old. What was death to him? Shefford felt the strong, rushing love of life surge in him, and it was not for himself he thought, but for Fay and the happiness she merited.

Kalus felt a sudden surge of desire. An impulse had come to him, and he acted upon it at once. Hiding his traps behind a stone, he dropped down on one knee beside the cub. With his hand he indicated the tracks, then the line they followed into the distance. 'Alaska. These tracks. Avatar. We follow. The cub looked back at him, confused.

The conversation with Holter had given her a new idea of Ditmar's daring in attempting to fill the Bradlaugh order with the Chippering Mills alone, had aroused in her more strongly than ever that hot loyalty to the mills with which he had inspired her; and that strange surge of sympathy, of fellow-feeling for the operatives she had experienced after the interview with Mr.

This was one reason why, when Ian was offered the headship of the Merchants' Guild College in London, Mildred encouraged him to take it. The income, too, seemed large in comparison to their Oxford one; and the great capital, with its ever-roaring surge of life, drew her with a natural magnetism.

You dah to say they shayn't and I'll comb you with this varmint from head to foot! The tiger and the buffler shell lay down together. They shell! Now, you, Joe! Behold! I am here to see it done. The lion and the buffler shell lay down together!" Mouthing these words again and again, the parson forced his way through the surge in the wake of the buffalo.

"Speech! speech!" cry the excited men as they surge through the narrow thoroughfare. Trueman stands up in the hansom and leaning forward explains that he cannot stop to make a speech at every corner. The few words he addresses to the crowd seem to satisfy their demands, and they at once subside. Slowly the speaker approaches the throng at the Depot steps.

She had listened, swaying and weeping to the surge and lament of his harp, and when he won the harper's prize and laid it in her lap she had consented to be married in the chapel at the end of the Eisteddfod week.

The coast, regular in profile, and visible sometimes across the clearings, was at most five miles distant. The sea was less violent, since the wind came off land a fortunate circumstance for the boat, which would suffer, owing to its small tonnage, by a heavy surge on the sea. The breeze subsided a little towards noon, and set in from the southwest.

Chris made a little gesture. "I do not know what that means," he said, "but I know I have done right. I feel nothing. God's ways and His world are too strange." The priest looked at him oddly, without speaking. "Well, father?" asked Chris, smiling. "You are right," said the chaplain brusquely. "You have done well. You have crossed the border." Chris felt the blood surge in his temples.