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It told of Albert's promotion to the rank of sergeant, "a promotion which, had the boy been spared, would, I am sure, have been the forerunner of others." It told of that last fight, the struggle for the village, of Sergeant Speranza's coolness and daring and of his rush back into the throat of death to save a wounded comrade.

WE are the dreamers, we and our kind, and our awakening is as sure to come as that river out there is sure of reaching the sea." The man laughed harshly: "You are quite poetical, to-night. I believe I like you better, though, when you talk sense." "I am sorry, Harry," she returned. "Please don't be cross with me! Go now, please go!" And something forced the man to silence.

To be sure there were other things which Jewdwine had not seen, on which he himself felt that he might rest a pretty secure claim to immortality. Of his progress thither his friends had to accept Vaughan's announcements as the only intimation. Rickman had not called upon any of the Junior Journalists to smooth the way for him.

The Leech-Gatherer and the story of "Margaret" in The Excursion also deal with lowly characters and exhibit Wordsworth's power of pathos and simple earnestness. He could not present complex personalities; but these characters, which belonged to the landscapes of the Lake District and partook of its calm and its simplicity, he drew with a sure hand.

I do not feel sure that, even in after times, the poem of Dante has had any political effect on Italy; but at all events, in his life, even at Verona, where he was treated most kindly, he had not half so much influence with Can Grande as the rough Count of Castelbarco, not one of whose words was ever written, or now remains; and whose portrait, by no means that of a man of literary genius, almost disfigures, by its plainness, the otherwise grave and perfect beauty of his tomb.

You must mean the Spanish, surely." "How?" demanded Timascheff. "Confound it!" cried the impatient Servadac. "What matters whether it be Spanish or Italian? Tell us, have you had no communication at all from Europe? no news of any sort from London?" "Hitherto, none whatever," replied the colonel; adding with a stately emphasis, "but we shall be sure to have tidings from England before long."

Give up the girl and the child to their legal protectors, and no harm shall befall either life or property. We shall be on shipboard in half-an-hour. I shall see to it that every man within the castle is rewarded from the Maitland money that is safe beyond seas, out of the reach of King George! Of that, at least I made sure, serving twice seven years for it in the service of a hard master.

You are sure he had never married before?" "Sure? Why, yes, certainly. How could he? Why, Hesden, what do you mean? Why do you ask all these questions? You do not you cannot Oh, Hesden!" she exclaimed, leaning forward and trembling with apprehension. "Be calm, mother. I am not asking these questions without good cause," he answered, very gravely.

To be sure she couldn't really recognise Fleurette's face, but she was certain that Patty's mother heart could make no mistake, and it was small wonder that she was overcome at seeing her child in such scenes. "Hush, Patty," said Mona, as Patty's sobs began to sound hysterical, "hush, this is only a picture, you know, this isn't really Fleurette, she is safe at home "

I little thought that it was you who had command of her, but I have no fear but that you will do her full justice. I could hardly believe my ears when I was told this afternoon, and Tom was ready to jump out of his clothes with joy.” “It is wonderfully good fortune, Dimchurch; I can hardly believe it myself yet.” “I am sure you deserve it, sir.