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He is, we shall suppose, my son or brother, or is united to me by a long and familiar acquaintance. Let us next suppose, that the cause of the passion acquires a double relation of impressions and ideas to this person; and let us see what the effects are of all these complicated attractions and relations.

"Do you suppose that anywhere else you will find, side by side, such an image of the contemplative life and the active life?" "And what must the nuns think as they hear these continual departures for the outer world?

She replied in a carefully-steadied tone: "There was a good deal to do, and I wanted to finish it." He pulled his bedclothes up higher around him. "Well, thanks awfully. Afraid I rushed you. You won't be long now, will you? I want to get to sleep, and I can't with someone moving about." "I'll be quick. There's baby's bottle to do it's long past time. She hasn't waked, I suppose?"

Will you be my " Bobby turned excessively pink, and completed his request. Wagstaffe surveyed him resignedly. "We all come to it, I suppose," he observed. "Only some come to it sooner than others. Are you of age, my lad? Have your parents " "I'm twenty-two," said Bobby shortly. "Will the bridesmaids be pretty?" "They are all peaches," replied Bobby, with enthusiasm.

"I don't think I'm afraid of anybody, but one doesn't want to make oneself absurd. And I believe I often am absurd in rating the body too low. What a conversation!" she added, smiling. "But, as I was all alone in the crowd, I was thinking of all sorts of things. A crowd makes one think tremendously, if one is quite alone. It stimulates the brain, I suppose.

He tried to smother the yawn, but he could not, and of course the honeymoon is over when your bridegroom yawns in your face while you are telling him your troubles." "I should think you would be glad it was over. Of all the words in the English language 'honeymoon' is the most ridiculous and imbecile." "I suppose when you get married you will take a honeymoon."

As to the nudities, if they were ever more nude than now, I should suppose, in their fresh brilliancy, they might well have startled a not very squeamish eye.

I suppose I'll be begging the colonel to have a chat with the president. There doesn't seem to be any way of getting out of it. I'll have to don the old togs again. I ought to write a letter to Nancy, but it will be finer to drop in on 'em unexpectedly. Bless her heart! And I haven't written a line in eight weeks. But I'll make it all up in ten minutes.

I sha'n't begin at the wall until tomorrow, for I don't suppose I shall be able to get out the first few stones without making a bit of a noise, and it would not do to work at night. "Now, lad, I think we can consider that as all settled, and I won't come near you again, unless there is some change of plan.

My only strength lies in your confidence. We stand now in a peculiar case. Our first thought, I suppose, as lawyers, is of international law, of those bonds of right and principle which draw the nations together and hold the community of the world to some standards of action. We know that we see in international law, as it were, the moral processes by which law itself came into existence.