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"But if we try to stick it out here we'll be sunk," said Frank. "And if we retire toward the coast, we'll be moving away from our supports." "True enough," Jack agreed. "There's only one thing to do. That is to retire as slowly as possible and try to entice all six ships after us. But I'd much rather wade right in." "Same here. But discretion is the better part of valor, you know." "Boom!"

This is apparent in the buildings at S. Peter's, the Corridore of the Belvedere, the Convent of San Pietro ad Vincula, and other of his edifices, which have had to be strengthened and propped up with buttresses and similar supports in order to prevent them tumbling down."

Tunnels are excavated, whence smaller ones radiate in definite directions all of them sustained by wooden beams; the amount of material to be extracted from a given spot is scientifically fixed; it is shattered by minute blasts of dynamite and, once the trolley cars have carried it away, the wooden supports are removed and these cavities filled up by the collapse of the roof.

It is probable, moreover, that the superstructure, before going over, moved laterally upon its temporary supports. The girders were, in fact, resting upon rollers, and the roller apparatus themselves were renting upon wedges, and there was no anchorage to prevent a transverse sliding.

In the choir, the triforium, which is omitted in the nave, springs into being in beautiful and ornate form. The lower arches, with the supports, the attributed work of an English architect, are of the usual Gothic form, in contra-distinction to the rounded heads of those of the nave.

'I don't thank a man for supporting me when he thinks me right, was the cynical confession of a statesman of an earlier generation; 'my gratitude is with the man who supports me when he thinks me wrong. Melbourne was doubtless of the same mind; but the man in the crowd, of Liberal proclivities, was, for the most part, rather disgusted with the turn which affairs had taken, and the polling booths made it plain that he thought the Prime Minister wrong, and, that being the case, he was not obliging enough to return him to power.

This character is peculiar to them, and has its origin in the intensity of the affective state that excites and supports this form of invention. Intuition becomes an object of knowledge only when clothed in images. There has been much dispute as to the objective value of those symbolic forms that are the working material of the mystic imagination.

The supports were also extended from three feet to three feet nine inches or four feet apart.

The opposition company, besides the grounds of insufficient need for a new line, etc., always supports and comforts the opposing landowners: but the great resource of the opposing company is to hire a landowner to oppose, especially a local attorney or agent who owns land proposed to be taken by the new line.

Can we be surprised that as the years went on Bismarck looked with some concern on the result of the struggle he had brought about? He attempted to conceal the failure: "The result will be," he said, "that we shall have two great parties one which supports and maintains the State, and another which attacks it. The former will be the great majority and it will be formed in the school of conflict."