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Pompey had befriended Auletes, and Gabinius, when Proconsul in Syria, had succeeded in restoring the king to his throne no doubt in obedience to Pompey, though not in obedience to the Senate. Auletes, when in Rome, had required large sums of money suppliant kings when in the city needed money to buy venal Senators and Rabirius had supplied him.

I saw sitting at the apex of a towering pyramid, built of phosphorescent human bones that reached far, far above the stars, the 'Queen of Death, Nin-ki-gal, scattering seeds over the earth below. At the pyramid's base knelt the suppliant figure of a Sibyl pleading with the Queen of Death: What answer, O Nin-ki-gal? Have pity, O Queen of Queens!

The acquisitions of our students may be appreciated by their affording to the suppliant native immediate access to his principal; and by their elucidating the spirit of the regulations of our Government by oral communication, and by written explanations, varied according to the circumstances and capacities of the people.

You cannot think otherwise than you do, being a simple, hardworking woman; but I beg of you to banish all hatred, and confine these ideas within yourself. Say nothing more about them for love of me!" The mother was vanquished. She had never been able to resist that suppliant voice. "Ah! cruel child," she moaned, "what pain you are causing me!"

"Many are of opinion, that Congress have too frequently made use of the suppliant, humble tone of requisition in application to the states, when they had a right to assert their imperial dignity and command obedience.

S saw at a glance that the suppliant was an object of real charity, and instantly complied with his request. Without asking further particulars, he gave him a good bed, sent him up a bowl of hot soup, and bade him not distress himself about the future, but try and get a good night's rest. The next day, the young man was too ill to leave his chamber. Mr. S sent for old Dr.

The ashes of his old love for her, the love that Valerius had understood, in the dusk, coming home from Mantua, were hidden away in their burial urn. Should he hold out his cold hands to this new fire? Should he go to her as a suppliant and pay in reiterated torture for Clytemnestra's embrace and for Juno's regilded favours? He was unaccustomed to weighing impulses, to resisting emotions.

I 'umbly begs pardon, exclaimed he, dropping from his horse on to his knees on discovering that he was addressing Mr. Crowdey 'I thought it was Robins, the mole-ketcher. Jog boiled over with indignation. At first he thought of kicking Leather, a feat that his suppliant position made extremely convenient, if not tempting.

They accordingly repaired to the temple, and the boy, solemnly addressing the idol, said: "If I have taken my aunt's gold pin, may my foot twist, and may I fall as I go out of your temple door!" Alas for the poor suppliant! As he stepped over the threshold his foot twisted, and he fell to the ground.

It was necessary that he should ask the question again, and ask it as a suppliant. "Mary," he said, beginning with words that he had fixed for himself as he came up the garden, "it is six weeks, I think, since I asked you to be my wife; and now I have come to ask you again." She made him no immediate answer, but sat as though waiting for some further effort of his eloquence.