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"We'll have to have a flat in the city, or a little house in the country, near enough for me to get to the office." "For us to get to the office," supplemented Ruth. "What do you think you're going to do, Miss Thorne?" "Why I'm going to keep right on with the paper," she answered in surprise. "No you're not, darling," he said, putting his arm around her.

In this sense no doubt they would become traditional the common property of all so that the innate facility of each individual mind in regard to them would be stimulated and supplemented by suggestion from without.

The hash of New Zealand mutton, however, which followed, was not so much to this fastidious young officer's taste, but quantities of fine strawberries, supplemented by a jug of rich cream, put him once more into a good humor.

The report of his inspectors had settled that point, supplemented by the visits to the King of the attaché and the banker. "That young girl of the sixth floor," he said to himself, "who calls herself Marie Pascal, is either trying to hold up the sovereign or else she is crazy. In either case the important thing is to make her hold her tongue.

But, of course, when one has heard the opera many times and twenty performances, supplemented by a study of Von Bülow's incomparable piano arrangement of the score, are hardly enough to enable us to begin to comprehend the real richness and vastness of Tristan then gradually new features are found, new lights are thrown by the use of leit-motifs, and slowly the music yields us that multiplicity of complex delights delights intellectual, emotional, or purely sensuous that only the greatest works of art can give.

"And the public is finding it out," supplemented Gibbs, his brother-in-law. "Wait till my libel suit comes on," said Pierce grimly. "I don't believe young Mr. Surtaine will have enough money left to indulge in the luxury of muckraking, after that." "Won't the old man back him up?" "Tells me that the boy is playing a lone hand," said Pierce with satisfaction. Herein he spoke the fact.

Many hands dipped with Christ's, and so the sign was not unmistakably indicative, and hence was privately supplemented, as John tells us, by the giving of 'the sop. The uncertainty as to the indication given by the token is reflected by the reiterated questions of the Apostles, which, in the Greek, are cast in a form that anticipates a negative answer: 'Surely not I? Mark omits the audacious hypocrisy of Judas's question in the same form, and Christ's curt, sad answer which Matthew gives.

John believed that he had been removed to the hospital in a state of alcoholic paralysis the very week that Cecile was taken ill; at any rate he had made no sign. The rest of the story which Dora had to tell may be supplemented by a few details which were either unknown to his informants, or remained unknown to David.

Thenceforth, there was observed with every year a decided improvement in the mode of receiving foreign diplomatists, and, eventually, the imperial audience was supplemented with an annual dinner given by the Board for Foreign Affairs.

Work among the American soldiers in North Russia was thorough and effective. The daily ration was supplemented and many American soldiers received from the Red Cross quantities of rolled oats, sugar, milk, and rice, besides all the regular Red Cross comforts, including cigarettes, stationery, chewing gum, athletic goods, playing cards, toilet articles, phonographs, sweaters, socks, blankets, etc.